Arielle is 3 months old this June, this means I am going back to work really soon. I have mothers telling me that work will keep me sane and I will enjoy going back to work and treasure my time with Arielle even more when I come home from work. But I will miss waking up to her, latching her whenever she needs me. I love watching her as she feeds, and how she looks up to me and occasionally breaks into smiles and laughter.
So as Arielle just turned 3 months we held her 100th Day Celebration on 16th June 2018. She was 102 days to be exact.
I have to admit, I did not put in a lot of effort in preparing for Arielle's celebration. With Arielle's sleep still not regulated yet, I didn't have the time and strength to plan hard and well for one like I did for our wedding. Also probably because I am a year older, a year wiser and a Mother now, I wanted to maximize my time like spending time with Arielle or going for yoga.
Yiyi and Yi zhang!
We printed a photo book of her photoshoot at 11 days old for our guests with Fotohub!

I love how dear she looked up at her Yiyi here!
Favorite picture with grand uncle Poh beng! That was me, clowning to make her laugh.

Her most macho uncle!

So I am very thankful to have reputable vendors help us with Arielle's 100th Day Celebration! We finalized the menu and number of guests about a week before the celebration. We had decided to do 2 sessions because both Alvin and I have big families and we initially gauged about 120 persons but with June being a school holiday, we had some who already booked their holidays. So we had 90 family members and 60 friends which still warranted 2 sessions.
We decided to have Neo Garden lunch buffet spread for the first session from 11 am to 2 pm for family and tea reception session for friends from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm. We had Neo Garden for our savory menu and Choz for kueh kueh for our family as majority are the older folks and dessert table of macaroons and cake pops for our friends and their children.

We were lucky that Neo Garden added a new range of Buffet Thematic Decorations to their offering! There are 5 new themes and we decided to have the Under The Sea Thematic Decoration. Though Under The Sea was mostly blue, I wanted more teal with pink and purple infused instead so that the whole look and feel is more girly. After a short chat with Neo Garden on how I wish for the colors to be, we finalized on our theme. It was so simple, convenient and cost effective at $250! No more having to engage an external vendor to do up the decor!

Should you be keen, here's our customized menu for lunch and tea reception. Alvin specifically requested for these because his family always orders Neo Garden for their family and office functions. There were some must-haves that even my FIL reminded us of!
Lunch Catering:
Butter Raisin Rice (50%) and Nonya Laksa (50%)
Mushroom Broccoli
Baked Fish Fillet w Mango Salsa
Signature Curry Chicken
Wasabi Prawn Ball
Sotong You Tiao (50%) and Breaded Scallop (50%)
Chicken Satay
Mini Chocolate Éclair
Ice Jelly w Cocktail
Ice Peach Tea

Anyone realized that Arielle had a change of outfit for tea reception? Not because it's a fashion show but because the previous dress was a tad too warm!
Our decor was slightly different for tea reception. It was mainly balloon and flowers!

Tea Reception Catering:
Mee siam
Egg mayo sandwich
Mini curry puff
Mini Soon Kueh
Honey Drumlet
Hawaiian Pizza
Chicken Satay
Mini Choc Éclair
Almond Jelly w Longan
Ice Peach Tea
As you can tell from the menus, chicken satay was a must for us. Tip: add-on more satay. You know it's good when everyone 'attacks' the satays. We love both laksa and mee siam so to get the best of both worlds, we had 1 for each session with another non-spicy staple. Portions as always are so generous, and everyone was belly-happy! We love the curry puff a lot too!! It sooo good, we packed a few home and I had 3 for dinner that very night!
If you haven't heard of Neo Neo Bao, like us, you can quote NBB15 to enjoy 15% off your Baby Full Month or 100 Days Celebrations when you celebrate with Neo Garden! Once your baby has celebrated their Baby Full Month/100 Days Celebration with Neo Garden, they will be known as the Neo Garden Baby, where you can enjoy 20% off birthday celebrations from 1st to 6th years old! Big savings!
There's no reason not to engage Neo Garden. Discounts, one-stop caterer with wide array of services, Tea Reception Menu, Dessert Table Packages, DIY Station, Thematic Decor and even Rental Services!

Arielle was such a darling, even on this day when she had to entertain so many guests, and her sleep time got compromised because so many wanted to carry and play with her. Thank you baby, for being such a happy baby, flashing your smiles as and when people tease you. Mama and papa love you! Mommy and Daddy are so blessed to have you!
Outfit deets:
I am wearing Hollyhoque while Arielle was wearing a Gold Stars Dress from Smile By Julien Macdonald Jacquard Star Dress, available at Mothercare and a headband from Floral and Peg available at My Miracle Baby. Alvin is wearing old clothes as always.
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