Unfortunately for caesarian mothers, we can only have our Post-natal massage 3 weeks later. I was very thankful that I decided to take up a package of 10 sessions with Postnatal Massage Singapore- since I started my Post-natal massage late, thankfully I have 10 hours to help me get back into my prenatal shape!
Follow me through this post as I share my experience in this Postnatal Massage Singapore Review. I gave PNSG a call after my delivery to inform that I had a caesarian. All mothers who signs up with PNSG got to inform them of your delivery type for them to better arrange your masseur schedule. After which, the consultants from PNSG gave me 2 calls, once at Week 2 post partum to check on my recovery status & another towards the end of week 2 to arrange for my first session! I was elated to finally start. My session was arranged almost immediately, we conversed on Monday and the masseur came on that very week. It takes 3-4 days for PNSG to allocate a suitable masseur. I had initially requested for a 1.5 or 2-hour session instead of an hour but was recommended to have the masseur access my body first for the first session to determine moving forward sessions' durations.
Mdm Saleha arrived at our door step about 20 minutes early on Tuesday and very quickly, she prepared the necessity and we were all good to go!
For the first session, Mdm Saleha didn't particularly focus on any part of my body. However, she covered every part well enough, to better know my body type.
The session was enjoyable, I fell asleep while I was on my belly. Did I mention? It was my first time on my belly after being close to 40 weeks pregnant + 3 weeks Post Partum? It felt heavenly!!
We decided on 1.5-hour session for all moving forward sessions and at each session, Mdm Saleha will spend 30 minutes focusing on the parts of my body which needed help.
At session 2, Mdm Saleha was punctual again. I find this the most important in every service! We started on time at 11.30am. I also made sure I have a heavier breakfast, and an hour before the massage because lunch would be after 1PM. I requested for Mdm Saleh to focus more on my hips and breasts. The focus on the breasts were the best of the massage in my opinion. At session 2, I had a few lumps and a slight engorgement which were relived after Mdm Saleh's touch for about 15 minutes. It was painful- but surely bearable, when she applied pressure at the armpits which she shared were linked to the breasts' engorgement too. Milk flowed freely and I felt so much more relieve after the massage. The other focus I requested for was my hips, because I still can't button up my shorts! I've always been a shorts kinda girl so I've hoping to be able to wear them soon.
After each massage session, Mdm Saleha would put on the red binder for me. Before the binder goes on, tapel is applied on the adominal area to keep the tummy warm. Tapel is a natural herb to reduce pain while promotes deflating of the stomach. We have to put it on for about 6 hours a day. It wasn't too uncomfortable, I could latch and haakaa at the same time!
She wrapped it less tightly the first time round just in case- which got tighter session by session. I even had a change of binder to a smaller one after 4 sessions!
Mdm Saleha mentioned I was on an XXS at the initial and at the 5th session, she had to bring me an XXXS. Doesn't that mean the sessions are working for me and I need a smaller binder? Elated! Teehee! This very much varies mommy to mommy! Some may seeresults faster than others.
She also put some Pilis on my forehead at the end of each session. It helps expel gas from the forehead, help prevents blurru visions and help cure stubborn headaches.
All you need to prepare for your masseur are:
1. A bed (they will put a plastic over it)
2. 2 big towels
3. 2 small towels
4. PNSG will prepare a binder, size according to your height and weight.
5. A nice drink for her after all that hard work of massaging non stop!
You also have to take your meal an hour before your massage. My PEM nanny also suggested me to shower before the massage to reap all the benefits of the massage and oils used. Mdm Saleha briefly wipes off excess oil so the body was not uneasily oily throughout the day.

Thank you, Postnatal Massage Singapore for the experienced masseur, Mdm Saleha- who not only helped me inch closer to my pre natal figure but also generously imparted me with tips during our sessions. She taught me some simple baby massages which I can do for Arielle! Postnatal Massage Singapore has been in the industry for more than 24 years and more than 20 experienced masseurs under their wing- offering both pre natal and Post-natal massages. With their indepth understanding on regards to our physcological and physical state, the masseurs will offer us a series of comprehensive tailored massages.
The charges are as follows:
7 sessions $688
10 sessions $888

For more information, you can visit Postnatal Massage Singapore's website! I hope that this Postnatal Massage Singapore Review is beneficial to you and to regain your pre-pregnancy figure within no time!
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