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Zoe Raymond|Fitness & Yoga|Beauty & Fashion

7 minutes Prenatal Workout at Home

My kind of 7 minutes workout at home these days. This workout can be done by anyone, the benefits are still the same; just that they are pregnant-friendly! It helps me loosen my body to avoid backaches and body stiffness which are common in pregnancies. Also, during pregnancy, we need to concentrate primarily on strengthening the core. My definition of core here is not abs but the pelvic floor, abdominal, spinal muscles and the diaphragm.

During pregnancy it’s safe and in fact recommended, to keep the “core” strong and healthy. A strong core is needed in order to support the pregnant body, baby, and to help with recovery after birth.

Here's what I did in the video!
1. Wall-assist shoulder stretch
Releases tension and stiffness in shoulder blades

2. Wide-legged Forward Bends
Strengthens and stretches the inner, back legs, spine and also tones the abdominal organs.

3. Wide-legged Squats
During pregnancy, squats are an excellent resistance exercise to maintain strength and range of motion in the hips, glutes, core, and pelvic floor muscles. Squats can help improve posture, and they have the potential to assist with the birthing process.

4. Side bends
They lengthen the abdominal muscles, hips, and thigh muscles, while improving flexibility in the spine. Side bends also stretch the muscles between the ribs (the intercostal muscles).

5. Downward Dog > Plank
Elongates and releases tension from your spine while strengthening arms, shoulders, wrists, ankles, abdominal and it also improves digestion.

6. Alternate leg lift pulses
Strengthen thighs and hamstrings.

7. Cat Cow Spine Stretch
One of the best poses for moving baby into a favorable position for birth or keeping baby in a favorable position. Cat Cow releases back tension and increases spine flexibility and strength.

8. Repeat Downward Dog > Plank

9. Knee to outer Elbow
Strengthens the abdominal from movement, legs and arms as you are in a plank position.

10. Bird Dog Pose
A bird dog is a perfect low-impact exercise to add to your pregnancy workout routine. It strengthens your core, which will help increase your sense of control during labor. Bird-dogs are one of those essential moves that all pregnant women should be doing. This simple, safe move will help you get a nice strong back and core—two essential areas to work on when you're dealing with altered balance and extra weight around your midsection.

11. Tiger Pose
Tiger pose warms and stretches the back muscles and spine. Tiger pose strengthens the core body and stimulates the nervous, lymphatic and reproductive systems.

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