I have always been taking fish oil since I was about 20. My Mother would buy those huge bottles of 1000 capsules from regular supplement stores and we would have 1 capsule a day.
I never knew that it would matter so much until I got pregnant. I also didn't know that it matters what kind of fish oil pregnant women take, what's the brand, what kind of fish was used, or even how the fish oil was extracted. Fish oil for pregnant women are available only at the Gynecologist and it is important not to scrimp on those dollars and buy them online or off regular stores; that is, if you are pregnant! The differentiation of DHA and EPA can cause unnecessary complications in pregnancy and delivery, hence taking fish oil from your doctors is much safer.
The benefits of Fish Oil is aplenty. It is good for baby's brain development and function. Baby brain is developed rigorously up to 85% in 6 months (3 months before and after the delivery)! It is also highly recommended for Mothers to continue taking them after the baby is born. That is because what you eat goes into the breast milk for the baby too!
I have taken 2 brands of Fish Oil for my pregnancy so far. I started off with Natal Care TriPlus for about 3 months and am 100% on Dhaxtra Softgel now. Both are enriched fish oil and high DHA/EPA concentration. The difference between Natal Care TriPlus and Dhaxtra Softgel are the amount of Concentrated Omega-3 Triglycerides, DHA, EPA and of course, the cost. Natal Care TriPlus is about $15 cheaper than Dhaxtra Softgel as it has about 200mg lesser Omega-3. The difference between Dhaxtra and Natal Care Triplus is that Dhaxtra uses premium oil which is Epax oil whereas Natal Care Triplus uses Tuna oil and that’s where the difference in the prices. We have been in the market in Singapore for more than 10 years and have delivered more than half a million babies. Both formulation is about 4:1 of DHA and EPA which is closest to mothers’ breastmilk of 5:1.
This was an image I shared on my Instagram stories a few months ago when I just started on Dhaxtra! It sparked quite a bit of conversations with mothers on where to get this brand. Only at your Gynaes!

Natal Care TriPlus
Concentrated Omega-3 Triglycerides: 625mg
DHA: 312.5mg
EPA: 62.5mg
Dhaxtra Softgel
Concentrated Omega-3 Triglycerides: 815mg
DHA: 350mg
EPA: 73mg
Both brands have their fish oil made in Australia! You can speak to your gynae and ask them for Dhaxtra! Besides taking fish oil, I take calcium and folic acid also prescribed by my gynae every morning.

These mommy supplements help give me what I have been lacking from my food intake. Besides these 3 mommy supplements, I also take a daily cup of milk and packet of chicken essence! Hope this post is useful to the mommies to be or mommies out there! Feel free to share too!
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