Mom, share with us one particular moment when you were touched by Zoe’s actions and/or words?
"Zoe has been a very filial and caring girl since young. I remember her gently turning the door knob, tip-toeing into my bedroom and placed her tiny palm on my forehead to check on my temperature a few times when I was unwell. She was only 4 years old then. It really touched my heart."
I never knew of this until Choo Yilin asked to do an interview with me and Mommy. Mommy and I are no doubt the least expressive people in our family. We often hold back on our feelings and express them only once in a while. It is true when they say that these feelings hold much more significance when they do come out. I love you, Mommy.
If you are interested, the full interview is over at Choo Yilin's blog!
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