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Zoe Raymond|Fitness & Yoga|Beauty & Fashion

Seoul 2016/ Day 3

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Day 3 began with a single carnation with blue baby breath for Mommy cause it was Mother's Day!
Our itinerary for the day was to cover Hongdae and Ewha Woman's University/ shopping district! And based on my last trips to Seoul, I enjoyed Hongdae and Ewha best! 
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Arrived in Hongdae via Hongik University station. The crowd was crazy on Sunday!
And it was the sunniest day ever, it was a little dreadful to shop in the sun!
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Zonia had her 2000 won Churros stick from Churros 101! This was the exact store I had my first Churros 101 last year too!
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Bought quite a few pairs of lens from O Lens shop at Hongdae! The shop is huge and there were a lot of customers! They have so many lens variety for you to choose from and they are very cheap. I bought some pairs at 5000 won and some at 10,000 won dependent on the diameter size!
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I can't find the exact address but O Lens is right at the end of Hongdae, away from the shopping lanes.

Nearest Station: Hongik Univ. Station Exit 9 (line 2)

Moved on to Ewha Woman's University and the shopping area!
First up, mandatory tourist shots at Ewha Woman's University! Didn't get a shot here last year because we came at night, I don't know why but you should try visit Ewha only in the day because it is easier for sightseeing and shopping.
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Some street food cause we were hungry from all the shopping! Haha!
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We ordered chicken, hash brows and Tteokbokki, egg bun and kimbap. The egg bun is only 1000 won here and 2000 won at Myeongdong. But Zonia said that 2000 won one tastes better haha! We just wanted some kimpab but it came in this big serving of Tteokbokki and I don't know, clams maybe? We didn't like them.
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As we were doing our shopping, we came across Ewha's Top10 store has the biggest picture of oppa! :D Hard to miss and had to take a picture leh :X
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not the only crazy one haha! photo 73ac51ca-0e9b-45b0-9111-bbab16921923.jpg
Settled dinner at a rather packed Korean restaurant at Ewha before we head back to Myeongdong. The streets can be pretty dimmed at night so we wanted to head back earlier. 
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Kimbap everyday!
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Ewha Women's University
Nearest Station: Ewha Women’s University Station, Exit 2 (Line 2)

Hongdae and Ewha's stuff are more affordable as compared to Samcheongdong. The caps I bought from Samcheongdong were 10,000 won each but only 5,000 won in Hongdae boohoo! They weren't exactly the same iron on but yes, leave more shopping in Hongdae and Ewha!

Here are some of our buys for the day!!
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Zonia's cutest socks at 1000 won ($1.20) each!
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Dear reader, because of the language barrier in Korea, it was a challenge to get the exact names and addresses of all the places I ate at! I will try to pen down the directions best to my ability. Hopefully, it is sufficient and useful for you to navigate there! 

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