Sometime last year, my company embarked on a government initiated health programme for us to keep trim and fit. We were issued a Fitbit Flex each and I remember how it got us motivated to clock more steps. It got a little competitive but a whole lot of fun monitoring who clocked the most steps a day!
I even monitored my sleep regularly with it! After the 1-month long programme ended, quite a handful of us didn't feel the same without a Fitbit on our wrist. We went to the nearest store to get ourselves one! Being a Fitbit user myself, I am very excited to get the new Fitbit Alta which has a whole lot more functions!

One of the more common uses of Fitbit is for brisk walking, running! I do not do much of running, but it doesn't stop me from wearing it daily. Yes, daily!
The Fitbit on my wrist serves as a gentle reminder for me of how much I should walk a day. The Health Promotion Board in Singapore have also launched programmes like Steps For Good to encourage Singaporeans to walk at least 10,000 steps a day! View this 10,000 steps as a basic requirement for optimal health, like drinking adequate amounts of water each day.
Another study found that daily walking reduced the risk of stroke in men over the age of 60.5 Walking for at least an hour or two could cut a man’s stroke risk by as much as one-third, and it didn’t matter how brisk the pace was. Taking a three-hour long walk each day slashed the risk by two-thirds! Source: Dr. Mercola
More pictures taken at a run at the park over the weekend!

Like I said, I do not wear Fitbit only on days which I workout. I wear it on a daily basis too! I like the minimalistic design of Fitbit and black being a versatile color, it matches every outfit!
Active wear days
You would have seen them on my Snapchat (@zoeraymondtan), Fitbit vibrates every time you hit 10,000 steps and there will be fireworks on my screen!

Highest clocked steps was on 7th May when we conquered the Samcheongdong and Bukchon Village, Seoul!
So on this particular day, I clocked 21,474 steps at 11.33pm, every hour I walked at least 250 steps, I covered a total of 14.19km, burned 2,335 calories and walked for 120 active minutes!
Love those green stars haha!
I clocked 134,084 steps in a week I was there, with at least 20,000 steps on 4 days. I hope to maintain this number of steps now that I am back. Haha!I even challenged my Fitbit friends to Weekend Warrior, Workweek Hustle and Daily Showdown Challenges!
My Fitbit friends can even invite their own friends into our challenge! I don't know who this Yoona girl is, but she is so good, she won the Weekend Warrior Challenge!! I was a mere 36 steps away from clinching the trophy boo!
But I was 1st Place for Workweek Hustle and Daily Showdown teehee!
Everyone should get a Fitbit to stay fit and healthy! Fitbit not only helps you keep fit but it also:
1. Looks good!!
Slim, distinctive tracker that creates the perfect accessory for every occasion – day or night!
2. Has All-day activity and automatic sleep tracking!
Which give you the foundational real-time health and fitness stats you need to track your progress, stay motivated and keep informed to reach your goals!
Fitbit can even tell me what time, how many times I was restless! Checking the chart every morning actually reminds me that I need to sleep earlier on days where I have too little rest!1. Looks good!!
Slim, distinctive tracker that creates the perfect accessory for every occasion – day or night!
2. Has All-day activity and automatic sleep tracking!
Which give you the foundational real-time health and fitness stats you need to track your progress, stay motivated and keep informed to reach your goals!
Green star on days I clock 8 hours of rest!
One of my favorite Fitbit capability is being able to see how well I slept. 3. Equipped with Smart Features!
Smart feature essentials with smart notifications and long battery life! Throughout the challenges, I was notified via my iPhone if I was leading or my friend caught up with me! The battery life is amazing, for my whole 11 days in Seoul, I only had to charge my Fitbit once!
Fitbit Alta is retailing for S$198 and it is available in a black, blue, teal or plum high-performance fitness band with a satin finish, silver stainless steel tracker and a shiny gold stainless steel tracker option coming soon!
Get yours from Robinsons, Metro stores or click here for a full list of retailers!
Get yours from Robinsons, Metro stores or click here for a full list of retailers!
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