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Zoe Raymond|Fitness & Yoga|Beauty & Fashion

The Yoga Co.

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That's me still trying to perfect Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana, Standing Split!

Had always wanted to pay The Yoga Co. a visit ever since they opened their first studio but never had the chance to! So I was glad to receive an invitation for the opening of their second studio from Angie! I signed myself up for Triple Threat Bootcamp because I have heard so much about this class and just had to drag Zonia and Alvin to go with me wahaha! Suffer together with me :X
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We hung around after class and Sandra and I did a couple of acroyoga poses together. She was of course, very very good. So I made her do all the tougher of the 2 poses. Sandra did them, effortlessly.

Achievement unlocked! This was what happened when Sandra egged me on when I told her that I can't do king dancer pose! My chest felt so open after a few times of NG in King Dancer Pose!

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Natarajasana, Lord of the Dance Pose

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Sandra in Pincha Mayurasana
Zoe in One-Legged King Pigeon Pose, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
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Sandra in Kapotasana, King Pigeon Pose
Zoe in Urdhva Dhanurasana, Upward Bow Pose

Wearing Vivre Active Wear for the morning!
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Svarga Dvijasana, Bird of Paradise
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Zonia and Sandra!
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With Sissy!
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Thank you for having us at your housewarming, The Yoga Co.! Triple threat bootcamp was shiong but shiok!

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Anonymous said...

hi! may i know where is the maroon bucket bag from?