Last installment post of my Korea trip. We visited DMZ, a place which I had always wanted to visit!

The closest we could get to North Korea!!
This is how North really look from our view. It was really dull.

A few of us had wanted to go to DMZ while the other few to Everland. It was supposed to be a day where we would split up to visit these 2 places but we compromised and we visited both. After all, we wanted to spend as much time together since it was our first trip! (:
We spent half a day at DMZ followed and a full day at Everland.
It was the tulip season so Everland was full of beautiful tulips, felt like we were in Amsterdam!

I was down with fever and flu on Everland day so I did not take any rides aside from the Carousel. It was so bad that I went to their sick bay for some panadols and spent the rest of the morning sleeping.. Love just accompanied me while I slept at the restaurant. Boohoo.
I woke up after lunch and met up with the rest of our friends for safari ride!

Cute korean baby while we waited for the Animal ride!
My favorite part of Everland was this safari bus ride which shows animals such as ligers (I did not spell it wrong! Everland has 2 ligers which were offsprings from a Tiger and Lion) and bears roaming in a contained habitat. We are caged up in the bus and we get real close to these animals!

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