Seems like we have lesser and lesser places to visit year after year. When I was younger, we had so many places to visit, 3 packed days of visitations. But year after year, it got lesser and this year, we only had 2 days of visitations. Well, make whatever that's left worth.
Lunar New Year Day 2 started with another floral dress; Spring Summer Bustier Dress from Hollyhoque! I really have too many floral dresses this CNY!! Bought these flowers when we were shopping for CNY decorations, perfect for some camwhore shots :P

With Zonia dear!
Mandatory CNY OOTD with Zonia downstairs! (:

Started off with Aunt Cindy's house, Mommy's eldest sister. Also our first lohei! Always fun to do a lohei!! (:
Everyone has to say a blessing, always kids first cause our 4 words are limited! :P
Uncle Tay with Trena and Cheryl!
Hi Bambi!! (:
First time visiting Mabs's house during CNY! Couldn't join them for steamboat lunch but there for Ban luck haha!! :D :D
Chris, Sheila and Mabs!
Mabs giving out money :P :P
Lucky us!!!
So the verdict was, I can only play when Mabs was banker. Got 3 consecutive times of Ban Luck (21) but after Mr R (Mabs's bf) took over, I lost or drew every game! Happy to have won a tiny bit! :D
Mr R lost big time to Chris's 2 big oranges- her daughters. Everyone raised their bets when the 2 girls came to the table. Their leg's bet went up to S$150 and IT WAS A BAN LUCK! Rayson lost $300 just like that.
Took a picture of Carrie and Cherie's epic faces when everyone went crazy and loud when we saw the cards!!
More shots with my girls! Dinner soon!! :D

And with the 2 lucky oranges of the day lolol! :P


With the xiaomingxing Leron! :D :D

Hi Small C! (:

With the best friend and Zyan! (:

My godson, growing up so quickly, slow down love.
Home sweet home! (:
Last visitation for the day was Denson's place to see Zyan. Not my godson come visit me for angbao is the fairy godmother go see him to give him angbao!!!

With the best friend and Zyan! (:
There wasn't anyone around to help us take pictures so all the shots were taken with my camera's self timer. Nudbad huh!! :D

My godson, growing up so quickly, slow down love.
Mabel looks pregnant!
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