Clad in one of my favorite Hollyhoque Princess of Pearl Dress which can be still be found here for the evening where I joined Nescafé at their launch of Smoovlatté at Artistry late last week. We were in for some art jamming which I was really looking forward to honestly. Haven't held a brush for 8 years now, Art wasn't my best subject.
Together with the girls from Nuffnang, we walked over together!! We were very warmly welcomed by the Nescafé ladies, making sure we have enough food and of course, Smoovlatté! It was an evening event, but I was not going to care if I'm going to have a sleepless night with all those caffeine! :D

The place was all ready to welcome about 12 bloggers! We had abundant of coffee, food and art materials to kick off the evening!

Some serious art jamming coming up!!
We had Polaroid fun too!!
With some of the or her nuffnang bloggers and boss of Nescafé Singapore!
I was very caught up in getting my painting done in the 2 hours time frame we were given that I forgot to get the nuffnang girls to help capture some Artists at work images. Joyce and I made full use of our 2 hours and completed a painting we call our own! (:
With Joyce and our art pieces!
Joyce drew a garden of daisies! Her painting was real hard work! She was dapping away the whole evening and making sure the greens don't kana the whites! And the middle of each daisy is painted with Nescafé Smoovlatté!
As for my painting, I had initially wanted to paint a cup of latte with coffee beans spilled out from a gunny sack of coffee beans. In the end, I didn't have time nor idea how to draw out the sack. I settled with just some coffee beans painted with the real Nescafé Smoovlatté, forming a barely there heart. Kekeke! And oh I used a thick flat brush to brush 3 different shades of brown, attempting to create a woody effect for the background.
The true artist hired for the event went around to help us with our painting and she complimented that she liked my background. I was looking closely at my painting the whole 2 hours and thought it looked like crap. I guess the painting did looked slightly better when looked at from further away wahahaha!!
Thank you judges for picking my painting as your choice for the evening! Allowing me to be the winner of a stay at W Hotel!

Sending my parents for the W stay as a reward for working hard all year round!! (:

Nescafé Smoovlatté is available in a 190-ml bottle for a retail price of $1.30 at 7-Eleven in December 2013 and at other convenience stores, petrol marts, supermarkets, hypermarkets and retail stores nationwide from January 2014.
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