Super excited when I saw this cropped top which Sheila gave me with a bag of the other Hollyhoque clothes! Couldn't wait to wear it out!! It's not just cropped but it's ever comfy knit!! :D The top comes in 4 colors and Cozy in Stripes Cropped Top is just launched HERE!

Daddy has been helping me take nice OOTDs at our sky garden on days I need photos! I wore this top to work, but not with the denim shorts also from HH but with a pair of high waist skirt from one of their older collections. Waited for Peishi and Rachell at Braddell mrt station and as I was waiting for the 2 ladies, I saw Randy who was waiting for Ben!! We were invited by 91.3FM to join them on a radio show where they have several YouTubers, Bloggers and Social Influencers to go on air! My first time being on radio! :p

Rachell came right after her hair makeover!! Super in love with her new hair do!

Nuffnang bloggers!! Qiu Qiu, Beatrice, Randy, Ben, Peishi, Rachell and Jianhao from 91.3FM!

We were break into 3 different teams and I was with Rachell and Peishi! We were first group to go up and we were the most unnatural. We were super shy and awkward, didn't talk much over the mic haha!
Ridhwan and Jianhao were very hospitable, they heated some chicken wings and wanton from CP for us!! We were practically feasting in the studio! :D Thanks guys!
We spent a good hour in the studio, taking a lot of photos, eating and camwhoring! Thanks BoyThunder, Adam, Josh and Jianhao for having us over! (:
Hi Zoe,
May I know how much did you get this website done? Bcus I'm looking for a cheap and reliable web designer.. >< Don't know if you could share with me.
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