Blogging using my iPhone now!! Feeling hardworking because it's an exciting post lolol! If you are following me on my social media accounts, you would have seen that I HAVE A NEW HAIRDO!!! Von has succeeded in getting me a new fringe after like eternity of long fringe!
The last I visited Von's was in February, around Chinese New Year!! Soooo long ago, I know, but I haven't had time for hair pampering!! Glad I found some time out to have my hair fixed. The ends were so dry and I kept dropping hair ))):

Hair tied up the day I was due for my hair appointment. cui ttm!
We were thinking what change I should have. If you know me long enough, you would have known that I am nothing but long, side parting hair. Sighhhh boring!!
Von suggested me getting a bob cut and bangs. Bob cut?!? Definitely not ready. Felt brave enough for just a different fringe. The last I had bangs was in secondary school and it was TERRIBLE. Problem was my hair is really really truly fine and little. I didn't have volume like many other girls to ace many hairstyles. I always envied girls with thick hair and they can do almost anything with their hair. Zonia, my sister, is one of them!

Trying to see how I would look with bangs, using my own hair loll!!
Von started with trimming and layerin my whole head and as he was doing that, I played around with my hair and had then in front of my forehead to see how I would look with bangs. When he finally came to my fringe.... My heart beat real quickly. I was scared that I wouldn't look good in it. I was scared that I would regret and that I would have to live with bad hair for weeks or months till it grew back. And I even thought what I would do if my fringe didn't turn out well, like I would probably just pin my fringe all up till it grew back.
If you have thin hair like mine, you would have these concerns and never dared attempt new hairstyles.
Von was really consientious as always. He snipped off the fringe bit by bit before it looked like this!

Another problem is that my hair is stubbornly straight. It looked like sticks when it was snipped off. Von had to layer it with his great skills to make it look smooth and flowing!! Phew!! It worked!
Immediately started camwhoring away! Even before Von tidied up! :D

So happy!!!!!!!
Von is located at ESTIQUE at Pacific Plaza. Just opposite Far East Plaza.
Entitled to 10% off any hair services (except hair cut) if you mention my name!
Some of the charges:
Haircut: $100
Quote Zoe Raymond to get a cut at $80
Intensive Treatment: $125 onwards
Coloring: $150 onwards
Rebonding and Perms: $250 onwards (Depending on type of treatment as well!)
Von's a senior stylist, so his rates might be higher but definitely affordable for a stylist like him.
Von @ 92995052, and he is by Appointment ONLY.
It's also better if you girls could contact him directly cause I wouldn't know the cost of every service he has! Different hair lengths cost different, I don't do most of the services such as perm and rebond as well! He's nice and WONT BITE! (:
Don't forget to note down Von's number 92995052.
Went to Bugis to meet up with Peishi after i was done. She was also in Bugis for her hair appointment. Seemed like a good day to do hair cause Hayley was also doing her hair!! :D

The two of us looking very similar with darker hair shade and bangs!!
Acting cute lol! Maybe just me. ):

A day after my cut!! Still a little too straight!
Also went to The Nail Status to meet up with the girls!! :D
2 days after the cut!! :D Fringe flowing better now!
Chris, Sheila and Mabs!! :D
Outfit of The Day
Princess of Pearl Dress: Hollyhoque
One of my favorite designs on hollyhoque cause it's too pretty!! The neckline says it all, no need to put on any other accessories! Still available in it's last pieces, so be quick!
Pretty (*o^,)v
Hi! May i know what camera you are using, thanks!
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