A group shot with a new member, Zyan.
Someone's really bad with photo taking. The group photos are so blur!!!
Haha! Anyway, it's En's 23rd Birthday held at Jing's house. Because she's having her confinement, I suggested we call for delivery to celebrate. Plus, the girls haven't held Zyan and all excited to meet him too! (:
Zonia and I were the firsts to reach after work just like what En suggested. She wanted me over 1 hour early so i can carry Zyan till i shiok and won't fight from her later. lol! My reply was, I can never have enough of Zyan! :D

En and I with Zyan (:

Zyan zzzzzzzzzz as usual

Pris with Zyan

me with Zyan

En with Zyan
And Zyan is still sleeping lol! Jing was saying he has been asleep since 230pm that day!!!
Enough of Zyan for now, I brought these Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm and Lucido-L Hair Treatment Water, courtesy of Mandom Corp! Upcoming ZLG will be this!!! (:

Pris, Diana and En

The girls slacking in Jing's room!
Delivery was late so we got some vouchers. We ordered Popeyes and Dominos! (:
Popeyes Chicken!
Dominos Hawaiian Pizza
Their new All Meat Pizza
The Meat pizza is very good. It had barbecue sauce as base and a very generous portion of ham and my favorite mushrooms! Must order.

What a spread! (:
I got Pris to buy a surprise cake for En. It was a belated one because she had exams on her birthday week. We were all too full after our hearty dinner and all slacking at the dining table when Pris said. "How ah, still have cake..."
No one replied her. So it was "How ah, still have cake..." x3. Then she said, "Where's En? In the toilet ah?", pointing to the toilet. Then En replied.. I'm here.
Pris had thought it was Yanli next to her cause they had the same hair length but totally different build and outfit. She totally spoilt our surprise but it was too funny! We always have birthday surprises that are hilarious!!! There was this once where we celebrated Pris's birthday at Waruku and we had a surprise cake kept in the restaurant's kitchen. As we were presenting the cake to her, En saw that the cake wrote Happy 21st when it was supposed to be 19th. So i was like oh shit! And i used my fingers to smudge off the numbers..... only to realize that... THE CAKE IS NOT OURS!!!
I was definitely too excited and gan chong that day... because i bought that cake myself. LOL.
Anyway, here's En having the candles on her cake herself lol.

A last group shot (:
Thank you Yunqi for joining us right after you landed and for sharing us the SIA stories! (:
And one last shot of Zyan before I left. Still sleeping so peacefully despite the noise from 8 ladies!!

Godmama loves you, baby Zyan! (:

ZOTD: The Water Colour Flare dress from Hollyhoque! (:
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