Visited Baby Zyan on the 4th August 2012, the day that he was discharged! So happy to see Zyan awake! I was there for almost an hour before he woke up so I think i am very lucky hehe!

Snippets of baby! :D
Jing gently making him smile, hopeful that he would wake... but NO, he didnt!!! What a heavy sleeper.

small little feet

Good Morning!!

Waving at the camera lol

No, i didn't make him cry. And no, Zyan didn't cry lol!

Hello Kpoh!

Just now was his feet, now its his hands! (:

soooooooooooo much hair!!!

Mittens which Jing got me to buy for him otw to her place!
Emergency mittens from white sands! Promise to buy you nicer ones okay? (:

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