Remember my last cottage nails? It was really well received and the peeps at TNS was telling me they eyes almost went crossed drawing those little flowers teehee! (:
Cottage by TNS
Gelish Manicure and Nail Art Drawing (Roses): $75
The set is still available for those who adores flora patterns like i do! :D
Decided to go for another simple set this time round, for girls who are in the corporate world now and simplicity is sought for.
Mabs hard at work!
Extensions coming on slowly!

ahh love my dress! this post is going to have loads of pictures of me in the dress!!!

Good hair day! (:
On a lighter note, Dove is giving away free Dove Hair Fall Rescue Hair Tonic starter kits! #sharethedovesecret now! Get your free tonic here (:

Teehee chocolates from Australia from Mabs and Mr. R! Thank you (:

Nougats and Wonka Chocolates and Boom Up Lanolin Cream!
Lanolin is another name for wool fat or wool grease, derived by extracting and processing of the wool shorn from domestic sheep.
Lanolin cream is a very hydrating emollient and works to keep the skin's moisture from evaporating, giving skin its suppleness and elasticity. Yay!!! This is great for people who suffer from dry skin (xerosis, for those who are scientifically minded) or are exposed to environmental factors that will dehydrate the skin like air con! Sounds good (:

Wonka Chocolate yummy!

Mabs helping me take pictures in between the nail session! Hehe! (: Full shot of my flora dress from Hollyhoque! Mabs, Christine and I got the same dress from Zouk event. It comes in blue as well.

And I did a meet up for the winners of ZLG and this very sweet girl, Celeste!

She asked for a shot and didn't want me to have the picture published but i think she's too shy and shouldn't cause she's gorgeous, don't you think? (:
She is really really sweet to bring me a little present as well!!!

Snacks packed in Hello Kitty wrapping!

Thanks Celeste! I love them! (:
Peiling, sorry I didn't get a shot with you, I felt real bad when you said you had wanted a shot with me at my first flea as well! ):
Hope you girls love the gift and thank you for reading and hope to see the rest soon! (:

so happy!

with Mabs

Alamak Christine, I posted the picture you and mabs chose ahh! Love you hehe!

Gelish Pedicure!
And all that chatting with the girls at TNS, my nails were prettified in no time! (:

Simplicity at it's best by TNS
French Extension Manicure: $110
Promo: Quote Zoe Raymond to have this set at $80
Promo: Quote Zoe Raymond to have this set at $80
Far East Plaza, #04-69
Tel: (65) 68362005

super nicely done (:

Christine and Mabs taking a break! Dont kill me!!! :D :D

act cute lol
TNS is also holding a National Day 2012 Promotion! It's very exciting cause the prices are really awesome! (:

Quick Mani and Pedi at only $18! Sounds too good to be true! ((:

The flora dress should be launched or launching soon at Hollyhoque! ((:
Here's some exciting campaigns that i wish to share (:
Time to make the switch and be a manly man with #DettolMen shower gel. Take the quiz here and find out what kind of man you are too!
Step into the all-new, world exclusive Grizzly Gulch and Toy Story Land in #HongKongDisneyland for ultimate fun! I want to visit HKDL Again!!!!
Step into the all-new, world exclusive Grizzly Gulch and Toy Story Land in #HongKongDisneyland for ultimate fun! I want to visit HKDL Again!!!!
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