Today's posting is on my teeth whitening experience with Tooth Angels.
And yes! It's the same place where I spent 1.5 years with, for my braces (:
Been recommended by my cousins to Tooth Angels and they have 2 branches in Singapore.
1 in Bukit Timah and another at Central- Clarke Quay. Cause Clarke Quay is really near to my place, I'm always visiting that branch.

Hossan Leung is their spokesperson! Check out the before and after.
I think many of us would very much want to say "Must be photoshopped", but if you watch cna in the morning, you would see him appearing a couple of times and he has a perfect set of teeth now! (:

Waiting for my turn!!! ((:
So excited!
And restless, that i took a picture of the....

ceilings- eh quite cool looking huh!

Weeee all ready
But before that, we took some pictures before my whitening for comparison later on (:

And then the Dentist takes out a chart and points to me the shade of my current teeth and the set she wants to attain after the whitening process.

my dentist is very friendly and chio and very camera shy!

And we are ready!

Okay! This got to be the toughest part of the process.
My mouth is pretty small so it's soooo hard to get the rubbery thing into my mouth. I had maybe 4 dentists/nurses trying to fit my mouth.
Before having the whitening liquid applied on my teeth, they would need to OPEN my mouth so none of the liquid touches my gums. It would burn.

HAHAHA how ridiculous i look after it's finally in.
Remember i said, the whitening liquid would burn the gums if it touches?
That's when my dentist applies a coat onto my gums which hardens after a little while. This is to prevent the gums from being hurt in the process. Throughout the process, my dentist would share stories with me, keeping me entertained lolol.

can you see a thin white strip surrounding the gums?
The dentist also shared that she has quite a few cabin crew customers who tried beauty parlours (not naming any) which provide teeth whitening at around the same price and sometimes 2 for $XXXX. These parlours are not professional teeth whitening agents and so, some of them go back with swollen gums cause they got burnt. )):
This is very true cause the first time I tried whitening was at a cosmetic parlour and they didn't apply anything to protect my gums.

and then it started! (:

Then the laser goes on!

It's broken up into 3 steps- 15 minutes for each step.
So the dentist applies a coat and have the laser on for 15 minutes. Off the laser, cleans and applies another coat.

It's my second time doing teeth whitening sooo... (Last one was about 3 years ago)
No pain lah! I mean if i had a hard time at my 1st whitening experience, i would not go again right? :D
There would be a few sensitive sensations on 1-2 particular tooth, that's about all.
If you were to ask what kinda sensations. It's somewhat like taking cold ice cream and you feel a few seconds of sensitive sensations. No biggie right to exchange for a set of white pearlies? ((:

The tooth I'm holding is the color of my set of teeth before whitening.
My teeth wasn't very yellow then, so the color we can attain won't be of vast difference but definitely significant. Apparently the color which I have is the whitest on chart already. That is just 1 shade away (:

Looking very happy ikr! :D

Zonia was there for her braces visit so we went home together!
Got to thank Justin and Zonia for capturing the whole whitening process for me so i could share it here (:

And here's the part which I bet most of you are waiting for! ((:
The price of this whitening process and what other promotions are running in Tooth Angels now!
Teeth Whitening
$1000 (Original price $1600)Plus now we'll throw in a free home whitening kit too!!
Metal Braces $3800 (Original price $4500)
No down payment. Installments of $200 only
Clear Braces $5000 (Original price $7000)
Down payment of $1500. Subsequent installments of $250
For all promotions, Tooth Angels will need the patients to come in first to see if they're suitable candidates for the procedure, and also to speak to them on any possible scenarios. So it'd be great if you can make a call or drop an email for an appointment first.
The Central, #B1-01,
6 Eu Tong Sen Street, Singapore 059817
Tel : 6222 6220 Fax : 6222 6420 Coronation Plaza, #02-34, 587
Bukit Timah Rd, Singapore 269707 Tel : 6468 0189
Fax : 6468 0104
Email: toothangelsdental@gmail.com

You can see the teeth better in my short curling video ((:
Towards the end! :D
and also cause today is 14th of February- Saint Valentine's Day. I decided to do a Giveaway! ((:
Every month, I would try to do a Giveaway and there won't be any specific date. So if you are a regular reader here, YAY!!! Good for you teeeheee cause you will be receiving girly girly stuff like makeup and accessories! ((:
I thought of doing this Giveaway sometime last month cause you guys ought to be rewarded for being so supportive of my blog! ((: I would ask a simple question and to win these little gifts, just have to leave a comment with your name and email address! Winners would be notified via email within a week after the post! I would either mail the item to your residential address or do a little meetup if it's convenient. ((:
This month, I will be giving off makeup X3! Which also means, there will be 3 who would walk over with something! (:

1. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder

2. Heroine Make Mascara Remover

3. NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
Simply leave a comment with:
Simply leave a comment with:
1. Name
2. Email Address
3. The Interested Item
4. Why do you want this! (:
4. Why do you want this! (:
Please do not submit multiple entries so everyone gets something! ((:
ZLG closes on 15th February 2359.
Have fun and Happy Valentine's Day!
P/s: The next ZLG will be via twitter! So join me here if you haven't!
1. Name: Sharon
2. Email Address: Sharo-nnn@live.com
3. The Interested Item: 1. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. I always watch make ups video consisting of highlighting parts of your face to enhance our features. But I've no idea which highlight powder is good. Hence, I would really like to win the highlight and contour powder! :)
2. ev3rlyn@gmail.com
3. NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. I never apply any eyeliner before and i wld like to give it a try^^
1. Name: Melody (:
2. Email Address: siewyun_90@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. Why do you want this!(: : I've been using Mabelline's gellish eyeliner all along (3-4 years) and am getting a little tired of it, for I'm unable to do a nice 'wing' at the end whenever I draw using that. I'm hence looking into trying other brands of eyeliner, hopefully liquid-based- in an attempt to achieve better effects! Thanks Zoe!
Zoe, happy valentine day! Cant wait to share how you spend it with B =)
Name - Jeremine
Email Address - jereminepoh@hotmail.com
The Interested Item - Heroine Make Mascara Remover
I have heard raves on this mascara remover but cant seem to find it on the shelf.
1. Name: Kimberley Tan
2. Email Address: kimberly_cuiwen@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. Why do you want this! (:
The only make up product i use on my face everyday is eyeliner. And I have yet to find a good eyeliner tat really suits me. I have oily skin.
And and and....mostly important, I'm your faithful reader!!!!
Love reading your post everyday before my bedtime.
Name: Xuefen
Email: shimmeryger@gmail.com
Interested in: NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
Why: Has been seeing you promoting for this brand a few times! Really keen to try how awesome this product is! :) Thanks Zoe!
1. Name: stephanie
2. Email Address: sply.stephanie@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. Why do you want this: i hope to look prettier for my upcoming birthday celerbration! :))
1) Jac Lee
2) shinzup@hotmail.com
3) NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4) I hope to get this eyeliner as I've read quite a few positive reviews on this product and I'm excited to give this a try. Thanks for holding this giveaway! :)
1. Li Fong
2. Nlifong@gmail.com
3. Heroine make mascara remover
4. I've been using this for a while now n it really makes removing mascara a lot easier plus it can also be used to remove mascara of other brands without tugging at the thin skin ard the eyes
Chaw Siew ling
NYX highlight and contour powder
I want to get this item it's because I would love to further highlight my face and get a better contour of my face :) I wouldlooked o really learn how to use this like how u would use a bronzer to get a more defined shape :)
1. Name: Felicia Guo
2. Email Address felicia15guo@gmail.com
3. The Interested Item Heroine Make Mascara Remover
4. Why do you want this!Always have a hard time remov
ing mascara completey and end up looking like a panda hence with the mascara remover i would be able to remove mascara at ease=)
1. Name : Nis
2. Email Address : annisteo@gmail.com
3. The Interested Item : Heroine Make mascara remover
4. Why do you want this : Because im currently using majolica mascara and they are so hard to remove! heard all e raves about heroine make from u hehe
Li Min.
Heroine Make Mascara Remover.
I'm currently using a waterproof mascara. And it's really quite hard t remove them when I'm back home. Aft a long day, I stil need t spend a hard time removing them off. Hence, I'd be great if i have a remover specially for mascara.
NYX highlight and contour powder
I wanna win this as I've never tried a NYX product before! :X
1. Lea
2. lea--13@hotmail.com
3. (1) NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. I want to highlight certain parts of my face!
Name:Chaw Siew Wei
Email Address:siewwei.chaw@hotmail.com
Interested tem: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
Why I want this? : I can hardly find any good black eyeliners around. I'd think it would be a great opportunity for me to get it for free from Zoe Raymond because she definitely looks confident in any kind of makeup she uses! What a perfect and fortunate diamond,she is! In hopes of searching for the perfect eyeliner,I will keep my fingers crossed and hopefully I will get chosen :))
1. Jo
2. potatomunchkins_@hotmail.com
3. NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. You did a post on using NYX for smoochiezz! Was thinking of trying it out:)
why is your smile like crooked after removing the braces!
1. Name: Michelle Tan
2. Email: Address mirchelley.tan@gmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Why do i want this: I have never ever tried hightlighting and contouring products, and since i see you giving away this product, I really want to give it a try as you've always given good reccomendations! For eg: Heroine Make's mascara, I've been using since the day you introduce it! (: I hope I stand a chance to win this awesome product reccomended by you! (: Thanks babe! Stay gorgrous and awesome (:
1. Michelle
2. shatteredtear@hotmail.com
3. NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. I have been using pencil eyeliner and it is super painful. If I have this eyeliner, it would lessen my pain! Cause when I use pencil eyeliner the pain would often cause me to tear, ended up ruining the make up. :(WITH NYX Jet Black Eyeliner ALL MY TEARING WOULD STOP ;D
1. Name: Carissa
2. Email Address: carissachee@msn.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Why do you want this!: 'Cos I really wanna learn and try to contour and highlight my round face to look prettier! As pretty as you, definitely and hopefully! :)
Thank you for organizing this giveaway and being the most hardworking blogger ever, updating your blog every single day despite the fact that you have work and must felt really tired on some days!
1. Name: yongxin
2. Email Address: yongxinhong@gmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX highlight &contour powder
4. Why do you want this! (:
want to make my features more distinct
I would like to get the NYX highlight & contour powder!
Cox I have flat nose & big face! Hahahah need them to make my face smaller & nose shaper! :D
1. Giselle Low
2. chiewping@live.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. I would like to give it a go on contouring and highlighting for my face since i've never tried it before :D
1. Seow Xin Er
2. xin_er1992@hotmail.com
3. NYX Jet Black eyeliner
4. Hi Zoe! I have heard that nyx has good eyeliners but i haven't had the chance to get it! Really hope to win this :) On the side note, continue to update your blogs! I think i'm addicted to your blog already hahaha thanks for providing good information about food, blogshops and places you have been to. JIAYOU!:)
Hi Zoe!! (:
Name: Priscilla
Email: liing.lingg@gmail.com
Item I would like: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
Why? Coz I'm a eyeliner hogger! :P I can do without all the makeup but I will feel naked if I go out without eyeliner! :P & also I've got the NYX eyeliner in charcoal & it's my grab&go eyeliner! So easy to glide on & almost smudge-prove! Would totally want another colour of it!! :D
Hee Thank you Zoe for holding the giveaway! Just that teenyweeny hope makes me excited! <3
1. Chua Shu Fen
2. shufen56@hotmail.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. I want this because I always wanted to get a kit that can help me highlight and contour! I have a rather flat nose so if I get this, I would make good use of it and make my nose sharper! Hehehe. :)
Name: Zoelyn Mah
E-mail Add: zoelynmwy@live.com.sg
Interested Item: Heroine Make Mascara Remover
Why? I always have a hard time getting my mascara removed! It'll be good if I could try that item <3
NYX jetblack eyeliner
NYX is highly raved but I have never tried their products! And I never used black eyeliner before and i rmb u saying it glides on easily, so hope I win this and can try a new look! :)
I'm like reading through your blogs and will like to win the Heroine make mascara remove.
Email add: sallytan0206@yahoo.com.sg
Item : heroine make mascara remover
Reason: I bought the heroine kiss eyeliner that you recommended and I enjoy using that. Therefore I will like to try products relating to heroine.
I'm like reading through your blogs and will like to win the Heroine make mascara remove.
Email add: sallytan0206@yahoo.com.sg
Item : heroine make mascara remover
Reason: I bought the heroine kiss eyeliner that you recommended and I enjoy using that. Therefore I will like to try products relating to heroine.
I'm like reading through your blogs and will like to win the Heroine make mascara remove.
Email add: sallytan0206@yahoo.com.sg
Item : heroine make mascara remover
Reason: I bought the heroine kiss eyeliner that you recommended and I enjoy using that. Therefore I will like to try products relating to heroine.
1. Name: yuting
2. Email Address: yutiingchen@live.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Why do you want this: Haven't try using this before, would love to try it! :)
I'm like reading through your blogs and will like to win the Heroine make mascara remove.
Email add: sallytan0206@yahoo.com.sg
Item : heroine make mascara remover
Reason: I bought the heroine kiss eyeliner that you recommended and I enjoy using that. Therefore I will like to try products relating to heroine.
Woo. Am I the first one to comment?
1. Chloe Lai
2. chloelai91@ymail.com
3. 1. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. I would like this item because I've been looking for 2in1 highlighter/contour for a long to find a good and suitable one.
When I read your blog you share with us what comestic you're using.Especially the Heroine Eyeliner and I bought it! It's really the best eyeliner i ever used. Now on the 2nd stick alrdy ^^
Hope that I can win this!
Name: Amanda
Email Add: amanda-hw@hotmail.com
The Interested Item: Heroine Make Mascara Remover
Why do you want this: This will help me to remove my mascara with ease without me tugging my eye area to remove it properly! :)
Name: Nicole
Email: nicolelyx@gmail.com
The interested item: NYX highlight and contour powder
Why Do I Want This: Hello Zoe! I'm 17 this year and am starting to like make up a lot! So if I win this, it would be the first ever make up piece I own :) Secondly, I know it's kinda stupid but my full name initial are NYX! Lol! Have read good reviews from yourself and other bloggers about this brand so I hope I can win this :) Last but not least, even if I don't win, would like to let you know that you're my favorite blogger. I think you're honest in your blog posts and am very outgoing! I really like your fashion taste and I do patronize many of the blogshops that you advertise and model for :) Thank you for reading this Zoe! :)
Huimin, sohhuimin@ymail.com, NYX Jet Black Eyeliner, I want this because I'm a huge fan of both NYX and zoeraymond.com (:
1. Name: Hui Wens
2. Email Address: alina_wong_2@msn.com
3. The Interested Item: Highlight and contour powder
4. Why do you want this: Because I can use the powder to make my face more defined. I had a hard time finding a good one. Perhaps the one Zoe is giving out would be a good choice of highlight and contour powder(:
Wendy, wendyggx@hotmail.com, Heroine Make Mascara Remover, I want this because when i use other brands of removers they are not as efficient and some of my lashes will drop off.
Name: Sarah
Email: ssgan86@gmail.com
The Interested Item: Heroine Make Mascara Remover
Why I'd like the abovementioned item: I've never seen such an interesting mascara remover before! As a frequent mascara user, I'm always on the lookout for an effective remover. Plus the product packaging is super pretty! Baby pink is my favourite colour :)
Thanks Zoe!
P/S: just followed you on twitter :)
1. Jia Qi
2. pay_chia_chee@hotmail.com
3. NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. I have been using Maybelline's gel eyeliner for the longest time. Since it is finishing soon, I wish to try something new. I have heard good reviews of this eyeliner so I wish I can get the chance to try it. :) Would appreciate if I am lucky! Happy valentine's day to you too! :)
Hi Zoe !
Happy Belated Valentine to you ! (:
Name : Marilyn Lim
Email Address : missy.gissy@gmail.com
The Interested Item : NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
Why do you want this : I always envy girls that have sharp nose and small face ! would love to have this highlight and contour power so that i can try to achieve the look!
Hi Zoe :)
1. Name: Beverly
2. Email Address: pumkin_master@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: mascara remover
4. Why do you want this!: i'm a huge fan of mascaras as they really makey eyes look bigger and deeper set. Since I use mascaras so often, I really need to make sure that I remove them properly! I definitely would not want my frequent mascara usage to inhibit my eyelash growth or result in my eyelashes falling :( right now I just use a normal cleansing oil to remove all my makeup, so probably it's about time I try using a remover specifically for mascaras!
Good day :) you look charming, as always.
1. Name: ADA CHEAH
2. Email Address: adecheah@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX jet black eyeliner
4. Why do you want this: i wear eyeliner daily when i send my daughter to school. But last week, the most humiliating n embarassing thing happened. I was caught in the rain on the way to school. I had such a shock when i returned home. I had black tears and panda eyes! @_@
After that incident, I've been searching high and low for a good eyeliner! I read some reviews on this particular eyeliner and it's rated 4.5/5! I wanted to get it but had no idea where to.
Therefore I hope to win this item for myself n look good again, regardless rain or no rain!
Hi Zoe!
My name is Xiuhua and my email address is tohxiuhua@gmail.com. The pdt im interested in is 'heroin make mascara remover.
Why do I wanna get this???
In fact, i've wanted to try out Kiss Me Heroine for a quite some time after reading ur blog post!! (which is also quite some time ago too!) At same time, I've read and seen a few reviews on their mascara and they're to die for. This looks very compact and true thus I so eager to try it out if i get to win it!!
1. eileen
2. vivirluna@gmail.com
3. NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. i love eyeliners and loveee to play around with different liners and create different looks! yet to try NYX's so here i am~ :D and i've been reading your blog nongnongg time ago! so pick me pleaseeeee~~!
1. sherlyn
2. sherlynloves@hotmail.com
3. nyx eyeliner
4. i always wanted to try applying eyeliner..ain't getting younger..always don't know which eyeliner to get..i would be real happy if i get this! so i can start putting eyeliner! else my face seriously looks very dull :( thanks zoe! :)
Hi, how much does ur chanel necklace cost?
Name: Audrey
Email: dreamcafe_1@hotmail.com
Interested Item: 1. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
Why do I want this: Never used NYX product before :) Just wanting to try.
1. Name: shok mei
2. Email Address: shokmei@gmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Why do you want this! (: Simple. I don't know what it is, how to use it and I just want to give it a try :)
Happy Valentine Day Zoe! I would like to win NYX Highlight and Contour Powder. Thank you pretty!
Name: Ruky
Email: rukychua@gmail.com
Hey, where did you get the heroine make mascara remover? can't seem to find them in watsons stores!
1. KP Chin
2. lilsand1986@hotmail.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Wanna try this product long time ago but do not know if this is suitable. Hope this time can try this b4 buying other items from NYX.
Babe how long does the sensation last? :))) thanks!
Hey babe! I think i had been following ur blog for about 2 years plus since i came across yours and wil
Constantly log into ur blog everyday because theres always a new post daily updated! I think will need the mascara remover because i always had a hard time removing it! :) Anyway if i didnt win, will still continued to read yay! Continued to blog as daily as possible so i always got new post to read! <3
1. Joan
2. joan-yun@hotmail.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Because i been looking for a perfect makeup powder but still in vain and i like your choice perhaps this is the wonder powder for me. Thank you so much babe.
Have a nice day aheads(">
name: Flora
email: fuhlora@gmail.com
the interested item:nyx jet eyeliner
why i wanna win this: firstly, i dont really use makeup, n i tried my mum's pencil eyeliner, but it doesnt seem to give me the effect that i really want!!! ive seen you do makeup tutorials n it really looks gd, the other thing is coz ive been proscrasinating that i will shop for one eyeliner but havent got down to it. so i guess if i won this, it will be a gd start to me trying on my first eyeliner!
1. Name: Li Ping
2. Email Address: jolinlp@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: 1. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder =)
4. Why do you want this!: Haven't tried any Highlight and Contour Powder before =(, but I know the powder will help to accentuate the features and make girls look prettier!!! Would really love to have a try on NYX Highlight and Contour Powder =)
Thank you Zoe for having this Giveaway and sharing your wonderful makeup!
1. Name: Ren Yi
2. Email Address: tulips1233@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. Why do you want this: I've always wanted a good, long lasting eyeliner. Bought a few some time back but they always fail on me(end up wasting $$) :(((( I saw yr reviews on them & hv always wanted to own it!!!!!!!! :)
Thanks Zoe!
(3) nyx jet black eyeliner
I'm interested in this because I love nyx products and I want to give this eyeliner a try! :D
Hi ZOE! :)
I would love to have the NYX Jet Black Eyeliner as I could be counted as a fan of this product and putting on eye liner has always been the most important thing to do as it really would bring out a person's eyes and make it look stunning!
Hope I would win! :D) And do continue to spice up your blog as us, your fan readers can't wait for more! Love reading your blog ZOE! Thanks gor always giving us good tips and well, GIVEAWAYS! ^^
My name is Deborah Wong
Email: winx_angels@hotmail.com !(:
Interested item : NO.3!-NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
Deborah.W (:
1. Name: Pherenice Tan
2. Email Address: saladpalette@hotmail.sg
3. The Interested Item: NYX Highlight & Contour Powder
4. Why I want this: Really want this highlight & contour powder cos i don't have this & really want to try it out! Didn't receive any Valentines' day gift as my bf is in army camp :( So hopefully this will be my valentines' gift from you! <3 Hehehe hope i can win!
***Really love reading your blog! You provide us with useful info as well as the ongoing fashion trend etc. Keep it up! <3
1. Name: Phoebe Chen
2. Email Address: phoebechenkaili@gmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. Why do you want this!
I have small eyes and I have been using the same eyeliner for years. Think it is time to change and use one that expert likes and uses and give it a try. I would love to have the black eyeliner Zoe Raymond. Please.
Thanks alot in advance!!!
1. HSH
2. hshwee@gmail.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Hi Zoeraymond. I think this is a little awkward but I want to win this item for my gf. :) She was reading your blog yesterday night & told me over the phone that she saw this free giveaway. She didn’t join because I told her we might not be so lucky to win it out of so many people reading your blog ( I said that on purpose, so I can try to win it for her ).
She likes NYX and I know that she wanted to try this highlighter. Our anniversary is coming really soon and I am thinking of giving her an additional surprise with this. I can totally imagine her whooping with joy when she opens it. :)
P.S - Darling, hope that you like this surprise! :D
Name: Celeste
Email Address: ry_0431@hotmail.com
The Interested Item: NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
Why do you want this: I would love to have this as i've been wanting to get a new highlight power considering my current one is finishing. So hopefully lady luck is with me this time :D &thank you for this giveaway!
1. Name : Sandra yen
2. Email Address : sandra_regrets@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item : Heroine Make Mascara Remover
4. Why do you want this : Because i love heroine make like u! :)
Name: Pinky (My real name!!)
Email Address: raine_bow91@hotmail.com
The Interested Item: Any one of the 3!
Why do you want this!: Because this is your first give-away, as your blog reader for so long how can I miss this? hahaha!
nyx jet black eyeliner
im not lucky to have big eyes, thus i need a eyeliner hoping to let my eyes look bigger (:
1. Name: Gabriella
2. Email Address: cravings_for_strawberries@yahoo.com.sg
3. The Interested Item: NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Why do you want this! (:
I do not have any foundation and powder and have never bought any before. Due to my sensitive skin, I'm always afraid of putting on makeup. I hope to win this item so I can have the motivation to make myself pretty for the first time. And the gift is from Zoe! All the more I will use cos I am your loyal reader:)
1. Name: Xiao Wei
2. Email Address: liewxw@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. Why do you want this! (: : I WANT TO BE AS PREEEETTYYY AS ZOE IN EYELINER!
1. Regina Yang
2. reginayangqianhui@hotmail.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Ever since I followed your blog, I'm very interested in the makeup product you used and wished to get complexion and beauty like you. I always wanted to buy highlight and contour powder but am worried it wouldn't suit me as I've sensitive skin. If I really would be able to win myself the highlight and contour powder, I would definitely be more confident! <3 Thanks Zoe for reading this!
Hi Zoe!
1. Shirley
2. pixiwoo01@gmail.com
3. Mascara remover!
4. I have been your reader for the past 1-2 years. Aft discovering your blog, I have to read it at least twice a wk! Super excited when I see that you r having givaways, hope I can win once :P I wanna try out the mascara remover for a long time too! So i picked that. :)
Hey zoe! Where to comment at in order to participate in ZLG?
Thanks (:
Hi Zoe!
2. pixiwoo01@gmail.com
3. Heroine Make Mascara Remover!
4.I have been your reader for the past 1-2 years. Aft discovering your blog, I need to read it at least twice a wk! Super excited when I see that you r having givaways, hope I can win once :P I would also like to try out the mascara remover too!
Jermin Koh
NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
I am huge fan of eyeliner and also your blog!
Hope i will get this! ^^
Thank you
1. Hui Ling
2. chanhuiling@msn.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. I want to have a try with the product! :D
Saw u on the train just nw. ;) u look so different when u dun smile.. I kept staring at u! Lol... Was with my colleagues thus didnt say hi to u. Keep blogging!
Yo Zoe!
1. T.Jia Yi
2. neutral_mutual@hotmail.com
3. NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. I want this because I believe having an eyeliner is important, esp to me! With the rich yet natural Jet Black Eyeliner, it can definitely draw more attention to my eyes and bring out the most captivating look and the best assets of all girls.
P/s: Zoe! Thanks for organising such little giveaways for your avid readers! Though it's just a little act of yours, but I think it's still very nice of you to do this. And as your reader, I really appreciate such little actions. Thanks, and Belated Valentines' Day! :D
May I know what brand and colour of contact lense you wore in this post?
Appreciate your reply lots!
Name: Evangeline
Email Address: pea_evangeline@hotmail.com
The Interested Item: NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
Why do I want this: I starting to get in love w cosmetics and love playing ard w them. I went some stores and they suggested me to get highlight/contour powder to enhance certain facial features of mine, hence will like to try it! Hope to win it too! :)
2. Heroine Make Mascara Remover
I have tried the Heroine eye liner as you have introduced it. Love it! But I always have problem removing mascara. Until you mention this lashes-saver! I would like to try it! :P
2. Heroine Make Mascara Remover
I have tried the Heroine eye liner as you have introduced it. Love it! But I always have problem removing mascara. Until you mention this lashes-saver! I would like to try it! :P
1. Name: Bernice Wong
2. Email Address: berdenice5@gmail.com
3. The Interested Item : heroine make mascara remover
4. Why do you want this: thanks to your intro I bought the heroine make mascara from hk!! I got to thank you for thr intro, zoe! The mascara is really good! Definetly buy again after I finish! Thus if Im able to win this mascara remover, IT WOULD BE A PERFECT MATCH!!!
Zoe, have been reading your blog for 3 years alreadyyy~!
Really love reading your blog!
1. Name: Carolyn Lee
2. Email Address: lee.carol-@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item:Heroine Make Mascara Remover
4. Why do you want this! (:
I ever use this mascara remover and I think it's awesome.
1. Name: Eunice
2. Email Address:
3. The Interested Item: 2. Heroine Make Mascara Remover
4. No pulling and tugging of the skin round the eyes. Great for preventing wrinkles and fine lines:)
1. Name: Judy
2. Email Address: phocoe@Hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: eyeliner
4. Why do you want this!: I'm learning how to apply eyeliner!
1. Name: Judy
2. Email Address: phocoe@Hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: eyeliner
4. Why do you want this!: I'm learning how to apply eyeliner!
1. Name melissa
2. Email Address melzx64@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item
NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Why do you want this! (:
I've always wanted to try out contouring since my face is pretty long and when i don't smile, people think i look fierce :( recently, i've seen beauty blogger/youtuber BubzBeauty writing an article on her blog about how contouring can really change one's face shap and i'll like to try too! Hope that i can win this! Thanks Zoe!
1. Name: Eileen
2. Email Address: Leentz-@live.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner!
4. Why do you want this! (:
- I don't do any make-ups to my face for whatever reason (because I don't know how to even though I've been looking at tutorials) but recently, I started dolling myself up! Just simply putting eyeliners. But I don't know which brand is good:( Also, I'm using my sis's eyeliner and not mine so I hope you'd give me this!! This is my very first time taking part in give-aways. So excited! Hope I'll get it! Stay pretty! Xo, always your loyal reader!
Name: Shimin
Email Address: lee_shimin91@hotmail.com
The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
Why do you want this: I heard much raves about nyx that their products are really good and affordable!! So I want to try their products for quite some time already but unfortunately nyz is not retailing at watsons/guardian?? So it's really hard to get their products!! Moreover this liquid eyeliner will come in handy for me since I am currently using a pencil eyeliner which smears very easily :( I hope I can get this! :))
1. elaine
2. galaxy_twinklestar@hotmail.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. have no idea what is this powder for, just want to try it out to see if it really works instead of wasting money purchasing smthg if its not suitable
1. Sherry
2. onceasoul@gmail.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder!
4. Been looking for a highlighter for quite sometime but I didn't get any yet cuz I wasn't sure if it would work on me. So if i get to win this, it'd be a great opportunity for me to try this makeup technique out! :)
keeping my fingers crossed! thanks! :D
1. Name:
Corrine Shanshy
2. Email Address:
3. The Interested Item:
NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Why do you want this! (:
I want to win the NYX Highlight and Contour Powder because I really need the right product to contour my super round and flat nose.. I have been using a brown eyebrow pencil to contour and always ended up making it looks super fake and dirty. Hope to win, so I can haz nice nosebridge ^^
1. Ngui Woan Chyi
2. nomnompiggy@gmail.com :)
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Because the case is really pretty haha :)
Your blog is really nice and stay happy! :D
Name: Joey kayvern
Email address: joeyys@live.com
Interested item: Heroine Make Mascara Remover
Why: that's because i really hate it when my mascara smudge and :(those fine lines on my top lid :(
i do hope I can meet meet you too! hehehe :D
Hi Zoe,
Here is my comment :)
1. Soo Chian
2. chian1220@hotmail.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. I want this simply because I am looking forward to contour my face with it for a better complexion look. The packaging is so cute and lovely that I can't resist.
Hope that I am the lucky one :)
1. Name: jiayi
2. Email Address: jiayi_1986@yahoo.com.sg
3. The Interested Item: NYX highlight and contour powder
4. Why do you want this! - for my ROM next week <3
Hey Zoe!
I'm Jody, and my email is jodyyx@hotmail.com!
I would like the jet black eyeliner because I love using eyeliners! They just define my eyes and I love it. Also, I've heard several good reviews on NYX's products and therefore would like to try this eyeliner!
Thank you for having this giveaway and you're awesome hehe!
1. Name: Si Yan
2. Email Address: peaceful1511@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. Why do you want this: I believe you find this good or you would not have choose this as a give away, hence I would love to try it. :)
1. Name: lay ling
2. Email Address: sallytll89@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: nyx highlight powder
4. Why do you want this: I always want to try contouring or highlighting but I not really sure which one to invest in. Thanks for organizing this giveaway :)
Hi Zoe, may I know what you mean by clear braces? Thanks!
Hi Zoe,
What lashes and code number are you using in this entry? They look gorgeous. ;)
Name: Shermaine Heng
Email Address: shermainehwq@gmail.com
The Interested Item: NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
Why do you want this! (: I would like this item as I believe this product would be a great gift for my friend who loves makeup, especially contouring her face. This would be a great gift for her and I would love to see my best friend using this!
Name: Penelope Lim
Email Address: beeforbreakfast@live.com.sg
The Interested Item: NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
Why do you want this!: I want this because i have been seeing this product magical duo powder and i feel excited and think that it is rather convenient to carry it around. Next, feel that with it, both the highlight and the contour powder will definitely work hand in hand with me and to build up the kind of feature i want and i frequently love to contour my face with shimmering powder.
Hi Zoe! :D Thanks for holding a giveaway!
1. Joanne
2. mstangtang@live.com
3. Heroine Make Mascara Remover
4. I hope I will win this because I always have problems removing mascara and so I tend to be violent when removing and it resulted in the loss of my lashes!!! :( Worse is, my lashes are already sparse to begin with!
1. Name: Samantha
2. Email Address: samanthalee88@gmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Contour and highlight Powder
4. Why do you want this: It emphasizes the shape of the face, giving a better contour to your facial outlook.
1. Name: Jia Lin
2. Email Address; skyergal@gmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. Why do you want this: I have yet to use an eyeliner before! Usually I just used mascaras. Thought I will give eyeliner a try as it will enhance my eye makeup together with mascara. =)
name : grace
email : Droplets_89@hotmail.com
interested in: any of the 3!( but would be nice if i can get the highlight and contour powder? hee)
why? coz i wanna be as just slightly less prettier then u!! keke ( or as pretty also can la!! but i m not greedy~)
1. Joey
2. sellingallaway@hotmail.sg
3. highlight/contour powder
4.Have really ugly nose, thought of trying to contour it to make it look nicer!
Had been coming to this space every single day! Hope I will win something! ):
1. Name : isabel
2. Email Address: july_3_91@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. Why do you want this: i'm interested to learn how to put on eyeliner to have a pair of gorgeous eyes.*winks* =)
NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
I'm new to make up and would want to try dolling up in order to look good. As I currently do not own a eyeliner, it would be nice to win one! Help a girl who is looking forward to having pretty and large eyes? (:
1. Name: Vanessa Teo
2. Email Address: vanessa.tfm@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX highlight and contour powder
4. Why do you want this: because i am entering into the corporate world, a new make up addition into my make up case will put into good use. not forgetting i had been your readers for years. and i wish to take part in this!
1. Name: Christine Lee
2. Email Address: jialin.lee.2009@smu.edu.sg
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. Why do you want this: I have been looking for an eyeliner for the longest time! I saw this at the smoochiez website but I did not get it because I am not sure if its good. So I would like to try it out.
*wink wink* promotion! I have already book an appointment. Btw, what is the gender for Dr Chia? I recall back is a he but this post your dentist is a girl.
The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
i want this because i've been following you blog and have always been inspired by your makeup. With just lashes eyeliner and contact lens, i am amazed how such simple makeup can do wonders. Your style is definitely influential and simple to do. If i am able to win this i can also be confident and have nice eyes make up like yours! :)
1. Joy Lee
2. darkk.destiny@hotmail.com
3. Heroine Make Mascara Remover
4. It removes waterproof mascara easily, especially since I use Heroine Make Long and Curl mascara!
By the way, thanks for the interesting posts on your make-up and fashion! It really helps a lot! (:
NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
Heard from many people that this eyeliner is very good and hope that i am able to win this! If it is worth paying product, i will recommend to my friends! (:
1. Mini
2. xuan1001@hotmail.com
4. I really want this item because I would like to give NYX BRAND a try! Heard its cheap and good from the reviews online. And hopin it can help my face look a lil' more slimmer hehehe!! #girlsessential ! And must mention i'm a fan of ur bloggie! thanks for sharing ur post about clothes, blogshops, food, travel and makeup! Really enjoyed it and ur pretty :)) !! I saw u in ten tempura last fri... But didn't call u or smth!!! Heheheh hope to see more of your blog posts !!!! And u should organize a meetup w ur readers! Will be so fun :D
Mel Chua
The Interested Item:Heroine Make Mascara Remover
It's my first time joining in giveaway heees ;P I'm a sucker at doing eye make up. Very often due to my laziness i will just head out with just mascara or eyeliner. Why do i want this it is simply because to most girls or myself personally, i find removing mascara a chore and is always afraid of not removing it thoroughly or do a proper job and not doing a proper job might leave my eyes with infection.
Just like other girls out there, i hope to be one of the lucky 3 to win this! Was really excited when i knew you were doing a giveaway! And if my friends were to ask "how do you do a good job at removing mascara" i will be proud enough to reply "may i have the talent" or maybe all thanks to zoe for introducing this amazing product" ;P
Hey, Jo here! My email add is xsurrealistique@gmail.com
Avid reader of your blog here! :) Hope to win the jet black eyeliner. I am still new to make up and experimenting with eye make up currently. Want to try different kinds of eyeliner cus the ones I bought don't seem to make a difference :(
I love it that you blog so frequently, sharing even little details of your life making simple things sound really fun and enjoyable :)) just saying since i am gonna comment hehe.
1. qiuhua 2. happybrownbear@hotmail.com 3. NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. I'm one of your blog reader. I enjoy the makeup information you share with us on your blog. I like the eyeliner as it define the eyes bigger.~~
1. Charissa
2. im_spokenfor@hotmail.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. I want this because I'm very inspired by the way you've used the powder. I think that it'll be a good addition to my current make- up pouch and that I can experiment more on make- up too. (:
Name:Vivian Koh
Interested item:NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
Why do I want this item:I want this item cos I believe eyeliner can instantly 'brighten' up my eyes:)
Thanks for this giving us a chance to win freebies! ;D Made my day brighter definitely!
1. Name: Jennifer Neo
2. Email Address:
3. The Interested Item: NYX Jet Black Eyeliner
4. Why do you want this! (:
I have been using many brands of eyeliner - Maybelline, Spring heart,M.A.C, Dolly Wink( I went to try cos of your make up tutorials!).
After trying so many diffeent brands, I would like to try a new brand. NYX seems to be pretty popular among bloggers like you, Beatrice and Jolene Zhou. Thus, I would like to try and see what's special about it!;)
My comment didn't appear? :(
1. Miya
2. evelyn_gal0929@hotmail.com
3. NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. hello! i am a beginner in make up. so i am at the stage of trying out with foundation,eye shadow,eyeliner,mascara and more. i am always envious of how talented you are in make up and always looking so gorgeous. so i hope that i can get this item and by following your make up tutorials, i hope i can be as talented as you one day. :)
keep blogging okay! because i love reading your blog :))
1. Name: Jolyn Eng
2. Email Address: jolyn_blue@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: Heroine Make Mascara Remover
4. Why do you want this!: I always pull out one or a few strands of my eyelash whenever I try to remove stubborn waterproof mascara and I feel super sad because my eyelashes aren't v. long or lush to begin with. Thus will like to give it a try :)
1. Name: Jasmine Neo
2. Email Address: Jasmine-neo-huimin123@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: NYX Highlight and Contour Powder
4. Why do you want this! (::
Hi Zoe! I love make-up, it makes me feel good and confident on myself. I have been looking for highlight eyeshadow or powder especially for the forehead and nose part. My nose is not sharp so i just want to highlight and made it sharper. Really really hope to win it cause I can't find it at watsons, last time i did find it but it's $29.90, which is quite expensive. So yep, trying my luck here! (:
1. Name: Esther Tan
2. Email Address : esther_iii@hotmail.com
3. The Interested Item: nude colored eyeshadows
4. Why do you want this! :
Have always be wanting to get a eyeshadow plate. would be really happy to own one that comes in such lovely shades!:)
Nice artikel thanks for share DIY teeth Whitening
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