Reunion Dinner is always a day earlier for us cause we want to have dinner with YOG (Your only GUGU)! My dearest Gugu Julie gave herself this name lol! (:

This is a pretty old old old top from hollyhoque if you were going to ask. Found it in my wardrobe, with the hh tag still intact! lol

And on our way there, we saw rainbows! Rainbows= cause there were 2!

Got us pretty excited cause it's the first time we see 2 rainbows.
I was whatsapp-ing Gugu on the way there and she also sent me pictures of the rainbows from Merryn Terrace! ((:

Hugo greeted us the moment we stepped in (:
He's no longer bald teehee, so much cuter.

And then Hugo got all excited and went all over me.

some of the many scratches by dear boy lol

Table all ready for our dinner (:
We were having steamboat together for the very first time.

so much yummy food prepared by Xiao Shen!

Hi Xin!
And before dinner was our Yu Sheng from Ten Tempura.
Xiao Shu- Uncle Steven, got it from his restaurant ((:

My very first time having such interesting Yu Sheng.
Tempura flakes with generous portion of sashimi. Not just salmon sashimi.

LO HEI! ((:

so many pair of chop sticks hehehe ((:

Xin snacking on the seaweed snacks which Reiko and Xiao Shen made!
I bought some of those from Melaka and they are not cheap! My Xiao Shen makes damn good snacks and pastries!

Dinner time!

Zonia with Xun- big boy now!

special sauce ((:

More pictures with Hugo after dinner ((:

And we helped Xun with his blackheads. Gross but we had so much commotion lolol.
It was fun la.

check out his lashes!
I got my long lashes from the Tan side genes as well hahahaha :D

reiko and jing playing with hugo!

Zonia and I with YOG= Your only Gugu ((:

me thinks my teeth look really sparkingly white here lolol. *shameless. Thank you Tooth Angels!

It was only towards the end of the night when i realised a new pond is made in uncle's place.

Heard that a month ago, they had a fish spa there. But the small fish kept biting on the bigger fish!
Ending the evening with a picture of my dearest Ah Gong in Xun's specs.


Second reunion dinner with my Maternal family and again in Hollyhoque's~
This time i wore the Duo-Pocket Waist Shorts in Purple with a simple tank top from Cotton On.

Tank Top: Cotton On
Duo-Pocket Waist Shorts in Purple: Hollyhoque
Necklace: Forever 21
Bag: Tokyo

Zonia and Daddy drove to Ten Tempura to get our yummy Yu Sheng!
This Yu Sheng is super yummms, i want to order it every year now.

Fresh Sashimi!

tempura flakes!
Uncle Steven gave us more tempura flakes so made Zonia and I very happy girls. Teehee!

Helped prepare the ingredients for dinner- steamboat again lol!


Then we sat around to catch up and watch some teevee together (:
Love family bonding times.

snacking away!

uncle's cny goodies
Every year at uncle's, its piling cny goodies! hehehe!

Went home just before the clock strikes 12 (:
Our new bedsheets! So bright, it blinds. lol!

My elmo and Zonia's Mickey!
Zoe what foudation/bb cream/powder are you using now?
Hello Zoe, I'm aware that you seldom reply comment, but I hope you'll reply mine!! May I ask what's the "name" of your prada bag? Coz I cant find it anymore =( please help me! Thanks in advance!!
Hi Zoe,
What size are your cotton on singlets/tanks? :)
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