With my retainers on- so a bit zheng zheng (swollen).
I have heard of friends who do not put them on after 1-2 days cause it hurts crazy/ uncomfortable from the abundant of saliva, but i feel it's okay leh! I'm very disciplined (for beauty) lolol! Been religiously wearing my retainers unless having meals. Very much makes me practice good oral hygiene cause i have to brush my teeth before putting them back on.

Am always sharing lift with this neighbour who stays downstairs!
She brings her lil puppy for walks every morning so i would always bump into them both!
The first time i met her, she stood far away from me so i told her i am not afraid of dogs lolol.

steals a peek
This puppy is like super shy! Stands at far corner and can't wait to get out hahaha! Every time the lift door opens, he will want to rush out super cute!

chong ah!

i tweeted this picture! (((:
Veron made us Mee Siam for breakfast!
She's super li hai and this taste freaking good, i hate a full plate.

everyone enjoying!

that's a new watch from inflight shopping! Love the rose wood color leather strap!

Ztyle of The Day
Magnet Scoop Dress in Peach: Klamour
Watch: Aigner
Heels: Charles and Keith

Whitley Road Big Prawn Mee

Hi Jane!

always packed during lunch!

Jane ordered Beehoon/ Yellow Mee Prawn Mee Dry with Chilli- $5

I had Beehoon Prawn mee soup also at $5.

Satisfying lunch! ((:
Whitley Road Big Prawn Mee
18 Lorong Telok, #01-01

Ztyle of The Day
Turtleneck Tux Dress: Ministry of Retail
Promo: Sign up for mailing list to get $5 credits.
Belt: Far East Plaza
Beret: Taiwan

Man Han Da Can- Beef Noodles.

special type of noodles

3 packets of seasoning/ ingredients

beef in the red packet you saw earlier! (:

Magnet Scoop Dress in Peach: Klamour
Watch: Aigner
Heels: Charles and Keith

Left with Jane for appointments and decided to settle for lunch at Lorong Telok!
It's just next to my client's office and for the past 2 years, i always walked past the stall and not dine there.
The smell of the prawn soup is always so fragrant "so must have lunch there today"! :D

Whitley Road Big Prawn Mee
The staff there are super on. If you walk pass, they would tout you into their shop.
The whole place is really bustling because of them lol.

Hi Jane!

always packed during lunch!

Jane ordered Beehoon/ Yellow Mee Prawn Mee Dry with Chilli- $5

I had Beehoon Prawn mee soup also at $5.

Satisfying lunch! ((:
They serve pork rib prawn mee as well which i saw quite a few ordering, so i think must be pretty good too! They have $5 and $8 servings, probably bigger prawns for the $8 portion. It's quite kua zhang to spend $8 on prawn mee me thinks.
Whitley Road Big Prawn Mee
18 Lorong Telok, #01-01


Had fun with the beret i got from Taiwan! (:
I don't think i would have the chance to wear it out in Singapore now, so probably only using it for shoots!

Ztyle of The Day
Turtleneck Tux Dress: Ministry of Retail
Promo: Sign up for mailing list to get $5 credits.
Belt: Far East Plaza
Beret: Taiwan

If i were to receive this dress earlier, it would have been perfect to pack it into my luggage for Hong Kong and Taiwan! The Turtleneck top over a pair of jeans would have kept me really warm!

Talking about yummy noodles, I got this maggie mee from Taiwan Supermarket!
Highly recommended by Esther and Shine. And now, highly recommended by me! :D :D

Man Han Da Can- Beef Noodles.

special type of noodles

3 packets of seasoning/ ingredients

beef in the red packet you saw earlier! (:
It's like super yummy! The soup is very fragrant and the beef is really tender. I can eat this everyday lol!
Cause it's a big packet, just like those korean maggie mee, it costs about $3 per serving if my memory didn't fail me. It comes in a packet of 3 servings and also in cup noodles form. Got these cause it's easier for me to bring back for Esther and I. Ahhhh! Should have tried it when i was there so i can buy more home! Teehee!

Zonia and I went on a no carbo diet 2 weeks before we went to Taiwan/ Hong Kong cause we heard from family and friends who gained 4 kilo during their trip there. Gasps. Lolol thankfully (or not thankfully) we didn't like the food in taiwan cause it's pretty oily and the food in Hong Kong is pretty healthy, mostly boiled! ((: So didn't gain much teehee. In fact before i left for my trip, i was a kilo heavier hoho. So ya la, Rebecca, you are right. I did lose a little weight, but so insignificant!
I'm a sucker for just pineapple tarts so..... got to start going on low carbs again! Not encouraging losing weight, but eat healthy! I go low on rice and carbs, but i take more vegetables and lean meat, do some exercise regime every morning and night (:


Boutique Lane 6 launches a cny collection of florals, prints and pleats!
I am a fan of bustier dress and flora so the flora dress really caught my eye at the shoot. The other one is the hot red dress with cute lil pockets. Besides these 2 pieces, my utmost favorite is the cream dress with pleated skirt details, complete with a sash! Also up in this launch is slouchy blazers in black and white. Promo: Key in "Zoeraymond" under coupon code for $1.50 off.
What is ur exercise regime
Swollen should be zhong zhong not zheng zheng! :)
Hi, where did you get your hello kitty weighing machine? Thanks :)
Hi Zoe, can you recommend some good e commerce platforms with shopping carts?
Thanks! :D
Why do you wear your retainers all the time? Isn't it supposed to be just at night? :)
Hi, do u have any idea where to get convertible dress or do u hv any for sale? Tq
Retainers for most people are to be worn 24/7 for the first 6 months after that in the night
for such a pretty girl like u, ur feet sure doesnt match ur looks..
Anonymous said...
What is ur exercise regime
skipping? LOL im so lazy ):
J said...
Swollen should be zhong zhong not zheng zheng! :)
Zheng Zheng is hokkien lol! ((:
Anonymous said...
Hi, where did you get your hello kitty weighing machine? Thanks :)
Kallang leisure park but that was like donkey years back! More than 3 years? ((:
Anonymous said...
Hi Zoe, can you recommend some good e commerce platforms with shopping carts?
Thanks! :D
Sorry know of none ):
Anonymous said...
Why do you wear your retainers all the time? Isn't it supposed to be just at night? :)
Instructed to have them on for a year ((:
Anonymous said...
Hi, do u have any idea where to get convertible dress or do u hv any for sale? Tq
You cn email me zoeraymond@live.com (:
Anonymous said...
Retainers for most people are to be worn 24/7 for the first 6 months after that in the night
Anonymous said...
for such a pretty girl like u, ur feet sure doesnt match ur looks..
lol okay! (:
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