Woke up for breakfast at 8.30am. Eugene was the worst cause he missed breakfast! Lolol!
The rest of the company were due to arrive at the hotel by noon.

congee for me!

melvin's sleepy face!

After breakfast, it was time to work!

Staff retreat!

getting coffee lol!

boss too! everyone actually.

alcohol at night. water in the day lol!

Took a few group pictures before heading down to meet up with the rest of the company for lunch (:

marthy, ubai, imah and falik!

mel eugene and jane came in too!

my plate lol

jermaine giving us some char kuey tiao to try lol!

i made my own chendol! not as good as bulldog cafe's! ):
After lunch, all of us headed to the ballroom for the internal seminar.
The marketing team was in charge of doing presentations on road maps and series of Abacus solutions.

But before the seminar started, everyone was made to stand and do some dance lol!

And some games! Got to write the answer and run to the emcee!
My team won! ((: Yay!

We ended the seminar at about 6pm and everyone went back to their rooms to prepare for our dinner!((:

At another Peranakan Restaurant (:


steamed rice

asam fish


chap chai




ayam buah keluak

yummy eggs!

And of course, some team photos! ((:

A company picture outside the restaurant before we boarded the coach to Dream Box for Karaoke!

lol roger!

Dream box

Super huge room!

their finger food!

falik and eugene lol!

Marthy and Jermaine!

more beer!

super pretty shot of pei pei!


and more beer!
Headed back to the hotel room after getting more drinks!
Some of the other beer we bought. Guinness yucks and some Sea Horse beer which we never see before! And another bottle of Whisky now.

more welcome drinks lolol

also bought some cup noodles!

where are your eyes?
Very cute picture of Mel. He's probably high cause he wore his shirt the wrong way! llololol!

Room service! ((:

someone holding my elmo to this picture hahaha!
This is crazy cause about 10 of them came over and the drinks ran out so fast.
Mel, Eugene and I had to head down to get more. This time a bigger bottle of Winner Whisky at only RM18!

Ending the post with this picture which we couldn't put a finger to.

Was going through the pictures and none of us remember what was this picture about. Why were the guys pointing at my fingers? lolol
The 2nd night was worst than the first night cause we ended the day at 5am!
Most of us couldn't get up at 8.30am for breakfast (that's of course right?). But i think not bad cause Jane and I woke up about 9.30am cause Mel came knocking and we went down for breakfast around 10am! Teeheee! ((:
The next posting will be the last posting of my Melaka trip already! ((:
Wait up for it! Teeheee! Good night!
where you got your wedges from?
Could you do a hair tutorial on how to curl it slightly inwards ?
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