Spent my Saturday morning with parents! Driving them around to run errands and all (:
Teehee! :D Wore casual white top and floral shorts that is very much like the one off a VIVI magazine! :D

love the details at the end of the top i was in! :D

J 99 Eating house at TPY!

mama's! :D only $2.90, asked for extra serving of long beans for myself lolol!

papa's at just $2.20!

tucking in!
Anyway this super yumms beehoon and noodles is from Toa Payoh's J 99 Eating House!
Go try it if you have not! Really super good!! I don't usually like bee hoon cause it's so dry but the way they fry this bee hoon, it practically melts in the mouth lolol! :D

i had mee hoon kueh! After having the one at City Plaza, this one is no biggie! ):

asked for extra veg! :D

after lunch, cam whore with papa! :D

floral wedges that compliment my toe nails! :D

one of the old pictures Chester took! I think this is 2 years ago!!!

glued to this Mr J's song! (:

and my bracelet compliments my nails and shorts!! :D
Was listening to my iTouch when mom called me to go over to look at this lil boy!
Look at what he's doing omgg!

how talented!!! (:

Ztyle of The Day
Self Manufactured Tropical Resort Blouse in White: The Wearhouse
Charlene Floral Highwaist Shorts: Justamaze
Bracelet: Past Advertiser
Bag: Shenzhen
Wedges: Far East Plaza
Bracelet: Past Advertiser
Bag: Shenzhen
Wedges: Far East Plaza

got some snacks as well! butter sunflower seeds! (: (:

And a series of camwhoring pictures! lolol!

daddy act yi ge!


They are new in the blogshop sphere but are very determined to bring us a variety weekly! How awesome is that! In this launch, we see rompers and mini dresses! I like the dress which has clashing colors of mint and orange as well as the nautical tank dress which compliments well with the army green paperbag skirt!
you look so pretty in this post, Zoe :D
Heyz, if you wanna compare any piece of clothing to vivi's you should start reading the later issues, because that top really ain't vivi...
really pretty outfit you've got there! :)
could i possibly know where is the bracelet from?
Yellowish-Cathy said...
you look so pretty in this post, Zoe :D
Thank you! ((:
Anonymous said...
Heyz, if you wanna compare any piece of clothing to vivi's you should start reading the later issues, because that top really ain't vivi...
huey said...
really pretty outfit you've got there! :)
could i possibly know where is the bracelet from?
Sorry i cant rem! ):
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