i love taking pictures in my room cause the lighting is always so good teeheeee

playing with double eyelid stickers from Hong Kong. Still trying to get it right!


cleo and women's weekly! b get me these every month (:

Ztyle of The Day
Nude Pleated Shorts: Pegs n Racks
Clutch: Hollyhoque
Taking pictures with Zonia while we wait for our parents to be ready! (:

we don't look alike, do we?

new heels from Charles and Keith! Comfy max! (:

Pink Butter Cups has another hit collection!
One of their very first launches saw high waist office skirts in the most awesome colors, they were so well received, here's more!
There are also a couple of tops that i like, one of which is the black top with ruffles in front- complete with a thin rope belt! Also in love with the black toga dress that looks really classy as it is, no belt or whatsoever cause it's cutting is perfect! (:
P/s: Michelle bluffed me ): She said that she would be bringing her son to the shoot but she didn't ):
The last shoot where she brought her son, it was so joyous! Michelle, you are seeing this I know! Bring the boy for our next one! :D
On a side note, I am a very direct person. There are individuals who I can work seamlessly with, there are some whom I can't no matter how much time is put in. I have had lunches, dinners or beauty appointments with friends whom we know cause of assignments and we even chat over whatsapp/msn every other day. And then of course, there are also individuals who I can't even hold a conversation without feeling breathless.
I won't pretend that I am okay when you come to me and ask why I post a particular picture cause my arm looks fat (which I felt was totally random and uncalled for though I may be bulky but i can't really scrutinize every picture before publishing, can I?), ask to suck up my tummy when you are nowhere near thin.
I won't pretend that I've been suspecting that you enjoy pretending to be a reader and advertise anonymously on my sites. Cause like the readers shared, you did that on cozycot as well. I filtered that off so your site wouldn't be more tarnished.
Don't forget how you came persuading me non-stop, to be at your shoot when I said I couldn't cause of work commitments. You needed a change last minute and I never held you back cause I know my priorities and that money, It's not mine to earn. When I took times like such, why can't you if there might be times that i may be unable to? Not forgetting, I am the one who books Hendra's studio. When text messages are emotionless, I may have to apologize should you feel offended for my direct replies.
Lastly, I won't advertise for a site who wishes to sell away her business for SGD$2500 when it's nowhere near fame. Especially for free.
I hold a full time job. And I'm doing blog posts daily. I do shoots after work and on Sundays. The only day of rest I have is probably Saturday. I know I can't be here forever, there are always new talents coming up and that is also why I'm working extra hard cause we are only young once. I am not asking for your pity, but at least appreciate my devotion towards blogging. I got to know more readers through preloved transactions and meet-ups, the rest whom I haven't met may have their reservations about how I am. There will always be people who won't see eye to eye with me. There will also be people who can't see eye to eye to you when you ask fellow owners for models' rates and blogshops responses.
"The people who know least about you always got the most to say"
- how true.
So you know, I won't be pretentious cause I don't see us elsewhere except work.
For those who commented to tell/ask me about this, that's all I will say. I won't do free publicity for those who are trying to up their sales.
Enough of ranting. I am going to talk to Esther who's back in Aust now over MSN!
She's the owner of Sixntwelve. She says that sales is very very good, about 100 orders from yesterday's collection! Teehee! She's one of the owners that I super doper like! LOL!
With this, have a good Sunday people! (:
Hi Zoe,
Please don't be affected by what others say/blog about you. What they say about others so clearly reflects what kind of person they themselves are!
Just know that your loyal readers will always be supporting you ya? Tomorrow will be a better day! Keep your spirits up! No point getting upset or affected by it. Take care ya? ^.^
agreed with alison!
seriously, pple like to talk bad about others when they dont even know them well. dont worry, karma will go back to them one day. they didnt think of what you feel when you heard all this, one day there will be someone who will shoot them for you. so dont be affected! because they just want you to feel sad and affected. show them, they are NOTHING that can affect you! (: SMILE.
Hi Zoe.. I know which blog you are referring to.. but i feel sad.. cause i believe you are nice.. but only to selective people whom you can gain fame from.. like Hollyhoque.. etc.
I know of a couple of studios, who commented on your arrogance.. maybe you can try to learn to have adopt higher EQ for your own good.. since this business is all about EQ.. and u will definitely phase out if you do not learn tis
Hi Zoe~ I am on your side,
and I'm totally agree with what u said~ ;)
There will always be people like tat in life~
Just continue to stay true to yourself~
Be Happy for yrself and your LoVed ones~
And last but nt least~ *加油*!!!
❤ VV~!!! :)
P/S Hope u continue to blog for forever!!!
I LoVe reading your blog v v much~
And check back here everyday~ :D
Hello Zoe! Why you sound so sad on your post? Don't la! :D Cheer up! EC here!
I'm secretly in love with Zonia :D
What a drama queen. Everyone's is circulating that you are so fake in your words!
This whole paragraph that you wrote. Why does it seems as though people owe you a living just because YOU (THIS DRAMA QUEEN) helped her so much? you give and YOU don't expect anything in return!
"Don't forget how you came persuading me non-stop, to be at your shoot when I said I couldn't cause of work commitments. You needed a change last minute and I never held you back cause I know my priorities and that money, It's not mine to earn. When I took times like such, why can't you if there might be times that i may be unable to? Not forgetting, I am the one who books Hendra's studio. When text messages are emotionless, I may have to apologize should you feel offended for my direct replies."
If you are upset by all these then jolly well delete your blog. A blogger should even be affect by all these. PLEASE REFLECT
hello zoe, i have been searching for this dress http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg88/flymetoparis/IMG_1742copy-horz.jpg did you happen to model for this dress before? if yes, can you let me know which blogshop? :) thank you!
I agree with alison too ((:
zoe, you always have your loyal fans with you! big hugssss....
have a great week ahead yea
Hi Zoe!
Im an avid reader of your blog and have been here since a year or so. Dont care about what others say! Some of them were really mean on your Formspring previously and I was glad you did end it off ;)
Just wanna wish you all the best and to hell with what others have to say! What matters the most is what you and your close ones think about yourself :) Those mean things are just keyboard warriors. LOL.
Have a great day ahead too! :)
Alison said...
Hi Zoe,
Please don't be affected by what others say/blog about you. What they say about others so clearly reflects what kind of person they themselves are!
Just know that your loyal readers will always be supporting you ya? Tomorrow will be a better day! Keep your spirits up! No point getting upset or affected by it. Take care ya? ^.^
Thanks Alison! And you are really quick with commenting! haha! :D
Anonymous said...
agreed with alison!
You are also as quick!!
Yen Ru said...
seriously, pple like to talk bad about others when they dont even know them well. dont worry, karma will go back to them one day. they didnt think of what you feel when you heard all this, one day there will be someone who will shoot them for you. so dont be affected! because they just want you to feel sad and affected. show them, they are NOTHING that can affect you! (: SMILE.
Thanks and Roger that Yen Ru! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi Zoe.. I know which blog you are referring to.. but i feel sad.. cause i believe you are nice.. but only to selective people whom you can gain fame from.. like Hollyhoque.. etc.
I know of a couple of studios, who commented on your arrogance.. maybe you can try to learn to have adopt higher EQ for your own good.. since this business is all about EQ.. and u will definitely phase out if you do not learn tis
Hello! I know Hollyhoque before they starting manufacturing and they weren't as popular as they are now when I started going for nail/hair visits with Sheila! (:
I don't visit many studios, probably 5 fingers can count. And most of the times I go to Hendra's and just once a month to the others so how to judge? (:
Anonymous said...
Hi Zoe~ I am on your side,
and I'm totally agree with what u said~ ;)
There will always be people like tat in life~
Just continue to stay true to yourself~
Be Happy for yrself and your LoVed ones~
And last but nt least~ *加油*!!!
❤ VV~!!! :)
P/S Hope u continue to blog for forever!!!
I LoVe reading your blog v v much~
And check back here everyday~ :D
That's sweet VV! :D
Anonymous said...
Hello Zoe! Why you sound so sad on your post? Don't la! :D Cheer up! EC here!
Hello EC! Long time no see! haha!
Anonymous said...
I'm secretly in love with Zonia :D
Anonymous said...
What a drama queen. Everyone's is circulating that you are so fake in your words!
Aiyooo why you come to my blog and ask me to fuck off? (:
Anonymous said...
This whole paragraph that you wrote. Why does it seems as though people owe you a living just because YOU (THIS DRAMA QUEEN) helped her so much? you give and YOU don't expect anything in return!
"Don't forget how you came persuading me non-stop, to be at your shoot when I said I couldn't cause of work commitments. You needed a change last minute and I never held you back cause I know my priorities and that money, It's not mine to earn. When I took times like such, why can't you if there might be times that i may be unable to? Not forgetting, I am the one who books Hendra's studio. When text messages are emotionless, I may have to apologize should you feel offended for my direct replies."
I think you have a problem understanding and I can't really understand what you are trying to say sorry! (: If these blogshops owe me a living, I would have made the shoot postponed so i get to earn too but i didn't (:
Anonymous said...
If you are upset by all these then jolly well delete your blog. A blogger should even be affect by all these. PLEASE REFLECT
A blogger is still human, made of flesh and blood and prone to emotions. However so, i've been told my posting is very subtle and nice already lol!
Anonymous said...
hello zoe, i have been searching for this dress http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg88/flymetoparis/IMG_1742copy-horz.jpg did you happen to model for this dress before? if yes, can you let me know which blogshop? :) thank you!
It's very pretty! And that's a girl I know modeling! Sorry I haven't worn that before! ):
JasyminC said...
I agree with alison too ((:
zoe, you always have your loyal fans with you! big hugssss....
have a great week ahead yea
Hey JasyminC! Have an awesome week ahead too! (:
Fion said...
Hi Zoe!
Im an avid reader of your blog and have been here since a year or so. Dont care about what others say! Some of them were really mean on your Formspring previously and I was glad you did end it off ;)
Just wanna wish you all the best and to hell with what others have to say! What matters the most is what you and your close ones think about yourself :) Those mean things are just keyboard warriors. LOL.
Have a great day ahead too! :)
Thanks Fion! In fact, i just disabled on FS account cause there are some who didn't know i've stopped and i have 113 questions there still ):
Are you wearing Geo lenses in this post? :)
Hi Zoe! People aren't in your shoes so you can't really expect all of us to understand what you're going through. Just want to tell you it's okay to feel unhappy about all these shits happening. It's not like you own anyone an explanation for not wanting to do anything. Cheer up!
Hi Zoe,
I comment fast? Just thought I will leave a message to cheer you up. Ignore those negative comments. In fact, you don't even have to reply them. You are simply just being nice doing so.
Thanks so much for being a regular blogger and bringing us readers so much info on blogshops! I have to have to daily dose of your blog! Have a blessed week ahead!
Whats the color of your braces?
hey where did u get your lenses?
hey zoe! dont mind what others say about you yeah? jiayous and live a better tomorrow ya! ♥♥♥
oh, and zoe! is zoeraymond@live.com still in use? hahah! (: check ur mail when u less busy uh. i sent a mail, consulting you about sth :D reply soon yeah ♥♥♥!
Hello Zoe!
JX here! Just to say cheer up and dun get so affected babe!
i mean seriously i dun get it why people say u arrogant! if u are that arrogant i believe no blog shop owners would find you for photoshoot and also advertising on your blog!
when you're famous everybody there'll bound to be people trying to tarnish your reputation. dun be affected and continue blogging!
Cheer up! =)))
Girl, I've been bullied like this before and I know its very hard, but change, even just slightly, could do wonders....... you seem nice and obedient, really! But maybe there is someeeee truth in where rumours lie? I can't know for sure, but its just an outsiders perspective. Feel free to ignore me :)
Can't believe that you actually write these. Change my view toward you now. If you are really so nice and good like what the rest of the readers commented, You shouldn't be saying so much bad stuff of that store.
Come on reader. Now you see the real side of Zoe Raymond. For those who didn't know Zoe Raymond in person will thought that she is a angel but actually her name is Really Bad in the photographer and modeling world.
Please do not mind about what others say, they don't know about your life and about you so I don't think they have any rights to interfere.
I am a faithful reader of your blog and I always will because I love the way you blog about all the blogshops, bringing fresh apparels to people out there and all the wonderful and countless food trips that you always recommend. From your blogging, I see life and colours. I never knew that someone could be so occupied with their life, holding a full time job, having photoshoots after work and over the weekends and having to blog everyday just to satisfy "our hungry eyes"!!
Thanks so much, you are definitely different from the rest of the bloggers. Cheers :)
To Anons who said this:
Can't believe that you actually write these. Change my view toward you now. If you are really so nice and good like what the rest of the readers commented, You shouldn't be saying so much bad stuff of that store.
and this:
Can't believe that you actually write these. Change my view toward you now. If you are really so nice and good like what the rest of the readers commented, You shouldn't be saying so much bad stuff of that store.
You all dont so disgusting ley. Got rule say she cannot choose who she likes or dislikes meh? I'm sure you all also have people you dont like what. True, she's a well-known blogger but she didnt even use vulgarity so why can't she post what she feels? Not like it will offend you in any way. Well, unless you're the subject of her topic...
Hey Zoe!
I'm really very proud of you and envy about you , you're really awesome. Well eventually i'm very young at age but i do love all your posts and pictures ya!
As what other said , just ignore people who doesn't know how you feel, just carry on your life. One day they'll know what's really happening into them as well. So Cheerup! :)
What contact lens do you use? Dun be too upset ya? Some people are just like that and I totally agree with you thou..
Hello Zoe! Wah a single paragraph generated so many comments. These people got too worked up la. Lol. The people only know your name, not your life! Unless they try walking a mile in your shoes, they probably fall at their first step. Cheer up! Following you on Twitter too. EC here. Sending love to you. (: <3
Even though I don't know you well enough to judge whether you are what they are circulating. I believe in your passion for blogging, whether is it for fame, or money or just pure hobby interest, I believe you will blog for your readers and to do so in the best interest of us, readers, and yourself and all the other blogshop advertisers. So yea, jiayou! (:
I don't know the full drama or story... But well, look at it this way... When people start slamming you... You know you are getting popular / more famous. Haha Else, no one will give two hoots about you. There will always be assholes out there. I guess it doesn't matter because you are living the life they can't have! :P
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