Peekture with Papa! :D We took a bus down to Pacific Plaza! 
If you are following me on twitter, you would have been aware that i brought Mommy over to Von's! (:
My Mom is so thrifty, she doesn't want to spend much on her hair. So I was really excited when she agreed to allow me to bring her there! (: (: (:

If you are following me on twitter, you would have been aware that i brought Mommy over to Von's! (:
My Mom is so thrifty, she doesn't want to spend much on her hair. So I was really excited when she agreed to allow me to bring her there! (: (: (:

Went to the salon with just my blusher lolol!
I prefer doing my makeup closer to times when I need makeup on! So to spot a cleaner and nicer face hehe! (: So when my 3-step hair treatment was almost done, I whipped out my contacts, eyeliner and lashes! HAHA!

Using my Heroine Make's eyeliner and lashes (:
Been quite awhile since I used this dramatic lashes! I have got like 5 more pairs at home! Before you ask, its from Watsons, $9.90 each!
You can see my makeup post using Heroine Make products here!
Been quite awhile since I used this dramatic lashes! I have got like 5 more pairs at home! Before you ask, its from Watsons, $9.90 each!
You can see my makeup post using Heroine Make products here!

Awesome max! Made me look really good HEHE! :D

Mama just started on the other side! 

Here's the after picture! Super silky soft HEHE!
Mommy eating Split ice cream
ESTIQUE at Pacific Plaza
Von @ 92995052
Some of the prices here.

Here's the after picture! Super silky soft HEHE!
Mommy eating Split ice cream
ESTIQUE at Pacific Plaza
Von @ 92995052
Some of the prices here.


on cab!
Pictures in the studio while waiting for Wendy! Alamak! Rush for nothing! lolol!

Outfit of The Day
White tank top: Cotton On
Katie Jumper in Light Denim: ClubCouture
Geek Specs: Far East Plaza
Bracelet and Wedges: Past Advertiser
Bag: Burberry


candlelit dinner in pastels
Weeheee! It's another launch with my girlfriends! :D
And it's another launch with 2 manufactured pieces from Eternity Loft (:

the office ladies

Besides these pieces, there are the bags we saw in the last launch up for grabs! :D
Some of you been asking where I got that camel backpack from, its from here as well! In very very limited pieces, grab 1 cute piece today!
I also kept the bandaged skirt in pink this time round! I know it's the exact same one as the black one I've worn 2344323 times to work already lol, how can a girl resist the pastel pink shade! :D
hi babe! what size are you wearing for the clubcouture katie jumper in light?
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
hi babe! what size are you wearing for the clubcouture katie jumper in light?
Smallest! (: 26?
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