I remember myself as a child, loving stationery. I was always visiting POPULAR bookstores when I am at a shopping mall with my parents. The particular POPULAR which I always go was the one at East Point, Simei! I would always go to the Pens section, and even though I was only given money from my Mom to get blue pens for school, I find myself looking at colored pens. Glittery ones, Neon colored, Pastel range!
Also at POPULAR, my Mom would get me the dreaded assessment books when it was months away from examinations. Not forgetting bringing the school book list to POPULAR and search for textbooks at that time of the year! Being a Popular member warrens 10% discount! Teehee! And so so many more, especially when I was an Art Student who took O-level art as well. Getting art materials from POPULAR was definitely a breeze cause I can definitely find anything and everything that I need.
I am sure these occasions ring a bell to us growing up! (:
Though I no longer visit POPULAR for the colored pens now, I still find myself there at times to look for certain books as well as Music! And yes! Just a few months back, my boss handed me a rather last minute assignment and I needed cards and envelopes materials. The stationary shop at Tanjong Pagar was too small, I couldn't get what I want. I didn't have to think much before boarding the next train down to the POPULAR at Tiong Bahru!

The Queen

The Young Prince

The King

The Little Princess

20 May: The Queen
30 May: Young Prince
10 June: The King
20 June: Little Princess
Even at $1.90, the quality of the 100-page cardboard cover notebook is not compromised. So it’s a really good buy whether as a collectable item or for daily use.

Simply by counting the number of hidden characters in each character notebook, revealed each week! 10 winners will be drawn bi-weekly. (:

This May, on top of fabulous discounts up to 50% off, be rewarded when you spend at POPULAR Bookstores – Singapore’s leading bookstore.

POPULAR definitely helped make schooling fun! (:
P/s: I had fun mimicking the characters lol!
P/s: I had fun mimicking the characters lol!
zoe, you put double eyelid sticker.
Your meat-ly nose and your laugh lines are cute. Maybe because you smile alot thats why your laugh line is getting deeper but still cute.
Anonymous said...
zoe, you put double eyelid sticker.
It's not a secret you know? lol!
Anonymous said...
Your meat-ly nose and your laugh lines are cute. Maybe because you smile alot thats why your laugh line is getting deeper but still cute.
Lol okay!
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