I'm doing up my last nail visit to TNS Cottage with Sheila! Will be up in the next few days! :D
Anyway we did lace and crystals this time round and those who followed me on twitter would have seen the previews! Teehee! And also hair appointment at Von's! Had a change in hair color- slightly lighter! Yippeedoo!
Anyway we did lace and crystals this time round and those who followed me on twitter would have seen the previews! Teehee! And also hair appointment at Von's! Had a change in hair color- slightly lighter! Yippeedoo!

Teehee! New iPhone casing with tons and tons with blings, super Princess Blings! So pwetty!
Zonia and I getting ready for shoot on Sunday! :D

Outfit of The Day
tube top: Dorothy Perkins
high waist shorts: Bangkok at only $2.50! LOL
Necklace: Mango

Loads of pictures with my sister! :D

And the last few pictures in bern's ride to studio! :D

Slightly different from the other launches, we have got coolios trench coat dress, effortlessly classy and chic! The crochet tank tops and khaki buttoned skirts are also up for grabs! In fact, this is the collection I played a part in stock take cause I was on leave!So some of the items are hand picked by yours truly (:
After the shoot, went home for some rest before meeting up with my girls for dinner! They insisted i join them cause they are coming over to my area for steamboat at Tiong Poh, Tiong Bahru! How cute?
Cleaned off my shoot makeup so was just in mascara for my eyes. Lazy to the max, i know! I didn't even bother to apply my makeup base. LOL

i like the heroine mascara im using! so neat! :D

The girls had crabs and i ate non!
In fact, i havent eaten any chicken or eggs. Practially any poultry since last Thursday's health talk? On mostly tofu and vegetables!

oh dear, why so blur ):

We decided to walk back to Tiong Bahru to get the train home. All of them headed for the East bound train. Used to stay with them in the East! Now, everytime we part, im the only one who will be travelling back home alone! ):
is the tube top new in dorothy perkins? how much did u bought it?
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