Hey all, this post is for girls who love having fun and getting good skin!
Brought to us by Outlet Singapore, we now have a one-stop place to go for dining, shopping, spas and pleasure! Leading companies in the retail, entertainment, F and B and leisure industry has joined them so we can expect nothing but quality deals at a steal! I've always loved looking for great deals, walking around just to make sure I get the best price. Now that we have Outlet Singapore, it’s so easy to find great quality deals! Finally, we get nothing but the best prices from quality brands island-wide. Yippeee dooo!
I have had some inside news of some of the deals that will be up soon! TEEHEE!

I've had so so many readers asking me for recommendations for good skin! I bet we are all dying to have flawless skin. Something done by professionals but also sold at an affordable price so that we can all enjoy it! Oh boy! *Dreams.

If skin care is not what you want, why not do something different here in Singapore?
I've always had this sporty side in me though everyone thinks otherwise, so when I heard that Dragon Boating is one of the deals Outlet is offering, I got really excited! Even more after watching this video! I never knew girls could take part in Dragon Boating!!
I also heard that they will be having some bolly dancing lessons! So I can learn how to dance like Aishwarya Rai. I have never tried this before and since I know it’s going to be a good deal I will definitely need to try it out! Need to keep fit and stay sexy girls! It’s so different from all the boring gym workouts.
After a day of sweat and fun, why not have a good dinner with your partner or friends!

Boy! I wonder where all these places are! I guess we just have to wait till Outlet tells us!!
Meanwhile, go on to like Outlet in Facebook! Get updated with all the sweet daily deals!
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