We have them back again!
A short summary to tell you what to expect this round?
Cardigans/throw overs and mini top/dresses!

bag and mini top/dress we all love!

So VIVI, the little brown bag is so adorable to be resisted!
I love how we paired the brown bag with simple chunky brown bangles!
We also have simple sweet tops to make yo go aww!

Available in white or black, the meshed top with little pearls is definitely the piece for school students to pair with your shorts!
P/s: I know how girls love to wear shorts to school! I think this top will work well with a high waist skirt for work too! The mesh and pearls will definitely stand out!
Finally! Its time for cardigans/throw overs!

love the sleeve!
We can have the ends tied up to spot another look!

mint green throw over with a pink spag!
Another 2 items to look out for are the aboves! The mint green throw over has a inner baby pink tank included! The grey jacket is definitely fab cause of the thick material and intricate lace details and thin brown sash! Think it would look awesome for work! (:
Shop away girlies!
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