Remember the last post where I urged all to participate in Are You a Shooting Star Challenge by Laurier?
Three cheers for the great response!!!
Xiaxue, Jessica and I were greeted with 60 teams of friends, sisters and even mother-and-daughters!
At Laurier's first ever all girls' challenge, Amazing Race style Tasks were crafted to bring out their creativity, wit, confidence and resourcefulness as well as bond building!

Girls registering promptly at 10.30 am outside Cineleisure!

Tank tops, landyards and polaroids for the girls!

where each team will stick their completed tasks taken with the Polaroid

Team 61

Cause we were early, we went over to BK to chit chat and of course took many pictures!!
When so many bloggers come together, imagine the number of cameras around!
4 cameras, 4 Polaroids.
4 cameras, 4 Polaroids.

xiaxue, jessica and fay
When it was about time... we headed outside to meet up with the 60 other teams!!! (:

The 60 teams listening very attentively to their tasks! (:

We were given the Polaroids to complete the tasks!

After the briefing, we were given an envelope that has this card of The Tasks to complete!!!

There were 8 tasks to complete and we have to take 1 picture for each task with our Polaroid! (:
Team 61 read through the tasks and decided to head to Somerset 313 for Task no. 7!
Team 61 read through the tasks and decided to head to Somerset 313 for Task no. 7!

It just had to be Forever 21 to complete task 7!

That's Zep who's tied to us!!! Teehee!
We figured we had sometime for a little snack!
Just had to recommend my favorite Hokkiado milk and cream waffle from Marvelous Cream! (:

oh yummy!!
We exited 313 from the back to look for Finest, Task 5!
Task 5 said to look for Joanne Peh and I really seriously thought we would see her since she is Laurier's Ambassador!

Like that also happy la. So fair and mad chio!

reading which task to achieve next!
We walked on to complete a few more tasks such as a picture with Woody from Ben n Jerry's!

AND the funniest task of all.
You seriously have to check out Jessica's expression when she lost in O-Peh-Som!

BUT, cause we are in the same team,
We decided to do it all together (:

There we have, all 3 of us in black lipstick!
Looks quite good right! (:

picture perfect (:
We headed for Waruku at Heeren for lunch!

We sat down and here's some of the other Polaroids we achieved!

We had our own little fun with the remaining films!!! Teeheee!!!(:

Soon it was time to head back to Cineleisure to reveal winners!!!

Aside from speed, we had to judge accuracy of the pictures.

serious judging going on!
It was a tough decision and some of the pictures had really cute boys with dimples and we so wanted to award more points!!! We judged based on accuracy of the tasks completed and different points awarded!But we were glad to finally announce 13 winners where the top team walked away with $1500 worth of shopping vouchers!

some of the hotties that bagged great prizes!
And lastly, a group picture of all participants! (:

check out our sporty girls!
I'm sure everyone had loads of fun just like I did! I was glad I had Laurier on with me that afternoon! Jessica and I were talking about the sanitary napkins being so thin, it's almost not there! This girl even told me she forgot she even had a period cause there was 100% comfort!
For me and I believe most of us, thin napkins are really vital. Because we have to wear napkins consecutively for at least 3-5 days, napkins that are too thick will result in accumulative heat which causes rashes and discomfort!
For me and I believe most of us, thin napkins are really vital. Because we have to wear napkins consecutively for at least 3-5 days, napkins that are too thick will result in accumulative heat which causes rashes and discomfort!
Brought to us by Kao, Laurier brings us a range of sanitary pads; the Super Slimguard!
You will be so glad when I say Laurier Super Slimguard is now the thinnest napkin in the market. Barely there at 1mm, its in fact 200x ultra absorbent!
- I enjoy outdoor sports like cycling too! And periods used to never fail to dampen my spirits
- Actively participate in shoots as well cause I definitely can't afford to have something jutting out from the figure hugging dress!
So absorbent yet it’s barely there, we do not have to compromise our wardrobe or wear loose fitting clothes during our periods! With Laurier Super Slimguard, we are now free to wear anything, anytime!

Do remember to check up Laurier's facebook page for more of such events as well as Are You a Shooting Star pictures!!! (:
And girls, the winnings doesn't end at Cineleisure! Cause if you see yourself in the pictures, tag yourself and stand a chance to bring home Polaroid Instax cameras and other yummy goodies!
you are prettier than joanne peh:)
hi Zoe,
where did u buy the bag u're carrying from?
its nice ~!!
Hi zoe can you gimme yr polaroid? :D
Hi Zoe! Do you have any tips on how to slim down? :) Would appreciate your help!!
yes yes i agree with anon 1. The first thing i do when i get home is to check out your blog. I love all your post!
Hi Zoe..
You were chosen by Nuffnung to attend the event with Xiaxue ah?
Both of you seem to be such good friends!
How did you manage to achieve all these within two years of blogging?
is it because you are already an established name in the freelance event industry?
thank you alot.
what does TGIF stands for? internship?
what degree are you holding? business management ah? cool.
How did u become a blog shop model?
Are you under modeling agency like mayhem?
You look nice and healthy.how to get fair healthy skin like you? any tips or secrets to share with your readers?
Back in 2008, you skin was not as fair as now.is it because of the camera or you became fairer through out the years??
so is your skin very fair in nature or fair but not super fair type??
what did you do? i want fair skin too..hope you don't mind helping me.
Can i ask who did your blog template , mind to share ?
hi zoe, backtracked ur posts abit to the go go curry post..rmb u mentioning that e clothes from 21men for ur bf arrived?may i know what size u get for ur bf for shirts n tees?i nvr purchase b4 so need to gauge abit here n there..appreciate ur help:D thanks!
Hi Zoe! Your nude coloured bag is so nice. Where did you get it from?
Hi Zoe,
May I know where you got your customised necklace from and how much did you pay for it? Thanks. :)
hey zoe, how do you pluck your underarm hair without getting ingrowns everyday? really need some tips here cause i gotta wear a sleeveless dress for some event soon! :/
hi zoe! Enjoy reading ur blog alot :D May i ask where did u get that denim shorts from? Been having a hard time finding a nice one :(
hello zoe =) where did u get the ice type deodorant body paper? cant seems to find it in watsons! lol.. been to many watsons but cannot find wan.. =( thanks.. =D
Anonymous said...
you are prettier than joanne peh:)
You're too kind! haha!
Anonymous said...
hi Zoe,
where did u buy the bag u're carrying from?
its nice ~!!
Its from an old advertiser who dont sell them anymore! (:
Nick. said...
Hi zoe can you gimme yr polaroid? :D
Teehee! NOOOO!!!! =p
Kirstie said...
Hi Zoe! Do you have any tips on how to slim down? :) Would appreciate your help!!
Hi Kirstie! Try swimming! When you swim, every part of you is exercising! (:
noodlemonster said...
yes yes i agree with anon 1. The first thing i do when i get home is to check out your blog. I love all your post!
Hi Noodlemonster, you're just as kind! hahah! (:
Thanks for reading! (:
Tammy said...
Hi Zoe..
You were chosen by Nuffnung to attend the event with Xiaxue ah?
Both of you seem to be such good friends!
How did you manage to achieve all these within two years of blogging?
is it because you are already an established name in the freelance event industry?
thank you alot.
Hi Tammy! I was selected by the client through Nuffnang (: And its my first time meeting Wendy! Its cause she's really nice and easy to talk to, thats why we appear like good friends! hahaha!
Im not sure on how i achieved but probably cause Im avid in blogging? (: And i started from events so people interested in events' girls would read i guess? (:
Claudia said...
what does TGIF stands for? intenship?
what degree are you holding? business management ah? cool.
Hi Claudia! its Thank God its Friday! (: I took Marketing! (:
Angelina said...
How did u become a blog shop model?
Are you under modeling agency like mayhem?
You look nice and healthy.how to get fair healthy skin like you? any tips or secrets to share with your readers?
Hi Angeline. I was in events and i do fashion shoots and soon later blogshops contacted me for their sites.
Model mayhem is not an agency. They are just like FB where people share jobs; modeling fb!
I sleep very early and I try not to eat peanuts! haha! (: When i snack, i drink alot of water!
Candice said...
Back in 2008, you skin was not as fair as now.is it because of the camera or you became fairer through out the years??
so is your skin very fair in nature or fair but not super fair type??
what did you do? i want fair skin too..hope you don't mind helping me.
Hi Candice! I was in netball then and i tan quite frequently! (: I'm fair by nature cause the tans always go off after awhile!
Anonymous said...
Can i ask who did your blog template , mind to share ?
My photog friend, hendra, did it for me (:
Michelle said...
hi zoe, backtracked ur posts abit to the go go curry post..rmb u mentioning that e clothes from 21men for ur bf arrived?may i know what size u get for ur bf for shirts n tees?i nvr purchase b4 so need to gauge abit here n there..appreciate ur help:D thanks!
Hi Michelle, i get Size S for the tees! I haven bought him shirts so cant say! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi Zoe! Your nude coloured bag is so nice. Where did you get it from?
Its from an old advertiser who dont sell them anymore! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi Zoe,
May I know where you got your customised necklace from and how much did you pay for it? Thanks. :)
Hi dear! Its from an advertiser who sold them previously! Ive checked to see if she can sell them again! (: Was about 100!
Anonymous said...
hey zoe, how do you pluck your underarm hair without getting ingrowns everyday? really need some tips here cause i gotta wear a sleeveless dress for some event soon! :/
Hi there! Maybe you can try underarm waxing! (: then maintain from there? Just keep clean before and after tweezing and should be fine!
Anonymous said...
hi zoe! Enjoy reading ur blog alot :D May i ask where did u get that denim shorts from? Been having a hard time finding a nice one :(
Hi there! Thanks! (:
The shorts are from one of the shopping trips Sheila and I had! We got the same pair from Bugis Street! Its a really common pair tho! (:
jermaine said...
hello zoe =) where did u get the ice type deodorant body paper? cant seems to find it in watsons! lol.. been to many watsons but cannot find wan.. =( thanks.. =D
Hi Jermaine! Its from the bigger watsons such as Ngee Ann City! (:
I used to go swimming when i was a young kid ..but as i grown up , becoming more lazy to excercise. been years since i last swam. do u think i shld go swimming again? haha..
u like marketing? it seems like a dry module to me.. taking this sub in poly now.
Hi again!
So is she still selling? May I know what's the link of the blogshop she sells her customised necklaces? :)
HI zoe~~ do you knw how to cure armpit discolouration? i have darken armpits and am really disturb by it cos i cant wear sleeveless bcos of tt!! D:
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