Ever since Jacq showed me what's coming up at Leflirtini, I've been waiting for this manufactured piece!
Finally, its here!!! (:
Presenting the CANDY TOP!!!

Available in 4 pastel colors!! (:

This is a huge collection, i wish i had time to show more!!!
Nevertheless, here are some of my absolute must - haves!!! (:

very roxy dress! Love the lil hearts!!!

cardigan/crochet throw over/bag! All at Leflirtini!

cardigan/crochet throw over/bag! All at Leflirtini!

my keeps! (:

also available in grey! (:
And as said many times before, Leflirtini always brings us maxi dresses!!! 2 for keeps this time round for me! Boo!

kept the middle! (:

very similar to the previous maxi dress! (:

This time round, you wont have to ask me where i got the wedges in this post!
Cause its gonna be made available at Leflirtini!!! (:
Super comfy piece (declared my most comfy pair of shoes!!!) in nude, definitely a must get!
hello zoe, how did you keep your face so flawless? :DD & how you deal with blackheds?
Hi Babe. Is your company hiring any admin position?
Looking forward for your soonest reply.
Thank you.
when is it launching?
hey Zoe, u're so pretty and photogenic! love reading ur blog.
btw, where did u buy the Golden covered heels which u wore at the Leflirtini shots? care to share?
Hey zoe. Did u rebond ur hair before? Do you think rebonding is good?
Anonymous said...
hello zoe, how did you keep your face so flawless? :DD & how you deal with blackheds?
I'm using a beauty camera dear! (: I do have blackheads too! Teehee! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi Babe. Is your company hiring any admin position?
Looking forward for your soonest reply.
Thank you.
Hi dear! No vacancies at the moment! Will post if they are on the hunt! (:
Anonymous said...
hey Zoe, u're so pretty and photogenic! love reading ur blog.
btw, where did u buy the Golden covered heels which u wore at the Leflirtini shots? care to share?
Hey dear! The golden heels are from Forever 21! (: Last pair and not my size! But tooo pretty to resist! Heee!
Thanks for the compliments! (: You're very nice!
Ariel said...
Hey zoe. Did u rebond ur hair before? Do you think rebonding is good?
Hi Ariel! I have stubborn straight hair! I haven rebonded my hair before, tried perming tho! I think hair services are never good for hair but maintaing is the key! (:
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