picture from iPhone!
iPhone camera is not as bad as i thought!
Only thing is i dont look as good cause it doesn't have beauty mode like my samsung! Teeheee!

no falsies to work
Everywhere was packed and we couldn't get a place to settle our dinner!!
Sushi Teh's queue was madness! Even Shokudo had tons of people queuing! In fact, its my first time seeing a queue at Shokudo!
We settled for dinner at the restaurant just next door, Streets!
I think it's a replica of Hong Kong Cafe! (:

"maggie mee" hahaha!

B couldn't decide what to have, as usual!

Plum drink that's tastless! $3 for soda water!

B's ice coffee that he reckon is not bad! Aint a caffeine person, so cant appreciate! (:

so many people!

B made a good choice!
He ordered a "munchie"! These lil sticks are actually pumpkin and salted egg! Tastes quite good!!! (:

B's Hong Kong Mee (:

Lol! I dont have a picture of my chicken chop noodles!!! I remember taking a picture of it before digging in!!! But its nowhere to be found! Teehee!
Job Opening!
A girlfriend, Jing, is looking for a full-time recruitment/HR executive. Attractive basic + comm.
Please contact her at jeanie_89@hotmail.com
Job Opening!
A girlfriend, Jing, is looking for a full-time recruitment/HR executive. Attractive basic + comm.
Please contact her at jeanie_89@hotmail.com
Black lace dress: http://ladyhaute.livejournal.comPromo: Quote ZR88 for$2 off.
If you are interested to be featured here, do drop an email to zoeraymond@live.com for advertising rates (:
hiii babe ! =)
do u buy ur havanias online or at outlet? thanks..if is online.can share the site? =)
is the golden heels still in-store?
Anonymous said...
hiii babe ! =)
do u buy ur havanias online or at outlet? thanks..if is online.can share the site? =)
The gold ones u talking about? (: I got them from oldnavy.com! not havanias! Teehee!
Anonymous said...
is the golden heels still in-store?
Haven been there for awhile! You have to make a visit down urself dear! (:
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