Another month passed like a breeze!
Its another appointment with Blush Wax's Charlene and Lynn!

Charlene n Lynn dears!

Leaving Blush Wax all clean and fresh!!! Teehee!
P/s: Its always better to wear dresses for waxing appointments! Teehee! More convenient cause you wont have to change out of your outfit!
See here if you are interested to view a more detailed post on the service at Blush Wax! (:
See here if you are interested to view a more detailed post on the service at Blush Wax! (:
Besides inner beauty, we have to groom our external beauty, as well! Our (head) hair, im talking about now! Haha! Hair is really important to a person, guy/girl! One wrong snip, a few weeks of bad hair days ahead!!!

After work, arrived at Von's for my appointment!
Last visit was the day of my birthday! Had my fringe trimmed, me thinks, before curling!

Just 1 month before my last cut, the hair is going everywhere!!! Boohoo!!!
About 3 months since my last color as well! So decided to have the roots touched up as well!

sandra having her hair trimmed!!
Coincidence to meet Sandra dear there! She's my Diploma friend at SIM! And she has been patronizing Von for about 1.5 years already? Good recommendation from yours truly! Teehee! So girls who haven't been there, have to give him a try!
In fact, heard from the both of them that Jeanie, also another fellow dip mate, just brought her Mom there for a hair cut! Missed her by mere minutes!!! ): Been ages since i met her!!!

snacking on Spicky potato snack!

super untidy ends!!! Chop them offffffff!!!

the darling girl touching up my roots! Teehee!

random picture of Spicky and new ring!

hair has grown long quite long!

waiting for the dye to set in (:
Did a mention I love the hair wash there! Hahaha!
Its so comfy and relaxing, i fell asleep! SERIOUS!

massaging! Shiokness
and i fell alseep after this picture!

Leave on treatment for about 10 minutes.....
I woke up only when it was time to wash off my hair treatment!!!
And! I took pictures, this time with flash, to keep myself awake! Hahaha!
(Hope i didnt snore! oopsy!)

washing off the remains from the treatment!

It was back to my seat for my hair cut!! Teeheee!!!

Von got me some Mexican food to munch while doing my hair!
He is always asking me what i want to eat when im there!

And doneee!!! (:

see the neater ends!!
And loads of camwhore on the cab back home! HEHE!
I really like the hair now! Though shorter, just slightly though, its fresher and neat. Much neater!!! And the treatment does wonders cause no knots and tangles, and soft and smooth!!! Uber good!!!

Aiya! See the pictures and you will know why i cant stop raving!!

Orchard Plaza #02-26
Mad about Hair
Lorong Manbong, Holland V
hi, i like d dress, where is it from? :)
never thought of changing a new hairstyle? (:
hi zoe, where did you get the dress which you wore to the haircut?
me likes your new haircut very much missy!
nice dress u wore to Von's. may i know where did you get it?
Hello! Really missed seeing you snacking! LOL! XD
Anonymous said...
hi, i like d dress, where is it from? :)
Kizz of Godess! (:
hi said...
never thought of changing a new hairstyle? (:
Not at the moment! Probably till Von recommends me a good cut! (:
Anonymous said...
hi zoe, where did you get the dress which you wore to the haircut?
Kizz of Godess! (:
M. said...
me likes your new haircut very much missy!
Thanks dear! (:
Anonymous said...
nice dress u wore to Von's. may i know where did you get it?
Kizz of Godess! (:
hi zoe
how much does retouching roots cost at von?
and how much for a treatment as well?
what brown is your colour?
sorry for asking so much
thanks loads!:))
Hi Babe, may i know what camera you're using? Is it a recommended want? Thank you.
Hi, may i know which camera you using? Is it a good recommendation? Thanks.
Hi zoe. Your new hair look really gorgeous! Envies!
Btw where did you get the contact lens which you're wearing in this post? what design is it? how much did you got them?
Hie Zoe,
Where did you make your nails? How much are they!?(:
Hi Zoe, you're haircut looks great ! Didn't know it was possible to have lunch... Hmmm... It's impossible in France ! I was wondering, how many times do you wash your hair in a week ? Every two days ? Everyday ?
Thank you !
I mean "Your haircut"... I forgot to read what I wrote.
Hi, may i know where you get your pretty brown belt from? Thanks(:
yes dear! haven seen u in ages! we houls meet up liek real soon! :)
Anonymous said...
hi zoe
how much does retouching roots cost at von?
and how much for a treatment as well?
what brown is your colour?
sorry for asking so much
thanks loads!:))
I think its about $60 for retouch! But its better u text him! (: Treatment is between $60-$150!
Von did my dye for me! He mixed a few colors (:
Anonymous said...
Hi, may i know which camera you using? Is it a good recommendation? Thanks.
Pls see "Posts worth reading"! I did a detailed post on my camera! (:
Jas said...
Hi zoe. Your new hair look really gorgeous! Envies!
Btw where did you get the contact lens which you're wearing in this post? what design is it? how much did you got them?
Hi Jas! Using Freshkon's brown! (: It was part of the prize i won from their contest!
Anonymous said...
Hie Zoe,
Where did you make your nails? How much are they!?(:
The Nail Status! Please see previous posts on them! (: All under "Reviews" label!
Julie said...
Hi Zoe, you're haircut looks great ! Didn't know it was possible to have lunch... Hmmm... It's impossible in France ! I was wondering, how many times do you wash your hair in a week ? Every two days ? Everyday ?
Thank you !
Hahaha! Hello from Singapore! (: I wash my hair everyday dear! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi, may i know where you get your pretty brown belt from? Thanks(:
Leflirtini! (:
Jeanie said...
yes dear! haven seen u in ages! we houls meet up liek real soon! :)
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