Some over-dued pictures with En! (:

En dear at Bedok Library!! (:

my teeth look seriously bad! Haha!

she's been a very good buddy to me (:
And Mothers' Day lunch at the Coffee Club! (:

Papa! (:

My yummy skippers delight penne!

zonia's chicken thigh penne! (:

Mama's fish and chips!

Papa's espresso ribs!

My mommy doesnt like taking photos!
Daddy, Zonia and I loveeeeee! Hahaha!
Nevertheless, Happy Mothers Day! And hope you like the watch (:
Waistband Mint Green Dress:
Waistband Mint Green Dress:
Hey Zoe,
I've been following your blog for a while & there's something about your heartwarming family posts that tugs at my heartstrings every time :) Your dad seems to have recovered really well from the previous illness & he looks fantastic now! Please send my birthday wishes to your mummy! Keep up the great work here, Zoe :)
Best regards,
you got twitter account?
Hello Zoe, I've been reading your blog for quite some time now. Saw you indulging in good food and a question popped out to me. How did you managed to maintain so slim still despite being able to enjoy good food?
Oh, by the way, you look really gorgeous :)
Hi Zoe, you look really fresh with your new haircut :) Love Mable
Dear S,
probably she just takes pictures of the good food. she doesn't have to clear the plates up ya? as she have said that she tries avoid carbs, she might just eat the fish and leave the 3/4 plate of pasta there. you wont get fat like that.
most girls like her just eat a few mouths and say I'M FULL. no offense, cos thats what i do too. we just want to taste a little of everything and get the satisfaction. =D
Hello Zoe!
I was just thinking you should bring ur mum for a hair makeover!. i kinda feel like she'll look better and fresher with shoulder-length hair and more layered maybe? cause her current hairstyle looks kinda dated and heavy. just my two cents worth, hope u dont' mind (:
May I know is putting braces pain? Cause I am putting it soon. Am afraid of pain.
Hi Zoe! someone has probably asked about this before but can i know which lip stick or lib balm do u use? love the sweet pink!
Dress looks great on you :)
Hi ! May i know where you got your belt or where can i get those belt? Thanks a lot! ^^
Hi babe, can i know which model of camera u're using right now?
Hi, where you get your belt from?(:
babe, may i know where is benefit located at?
Hi, may i know where you got your bag from ?
is it still available?
Haha! It's funny the way you say your dad zonia and you likes taking photos. Your dad seems like a really cheery person, like you! :)
I agree maybe your mum should go for shoulder length hair!
Anonymous said...
Hey Zoe,
I've been following your blog for a while & there's something about your heartwarming family posts that tugs at my heartstrings every time :) Your dad seems to have recovered really well from the previous illness & he looks fantastic now! Please send my birthday wishes to your mummy! Keep up the great work here, Zoe :)
Best regards,
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey J! You must have followed the blog for quite sometime to know about Daddy! Thanks J! Everything is smooth now, daddy has resumed work and less emotional! (:
Jessica.F said...
you got twitter account?
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi Jessica, I do! But i dont use it! ):
S said...
Hello Zoe, I've been reading your blog for quite some time now. Saw you indulging in good food and a question popped out to me. How did you managed to maintain so slim still despite being able to enjoy good food?
Oh, by the way, you look really gorgeous :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey S! I eat very lil! (:
At The Line, i only had:
1 char siew bao
1 mushroom
3 mouth of spaghetti
2 slices of salmon
2 fresh oysters
Thats about all (: Cause i dont have a sweet tooth!
Anonymous said...
Hi Zoe, you look really fresh with your new haircut :) Love Mable
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi Mable! I had that hair for quite sometime already! (: Probably a good hair day! Hahaha! Thanks!
Anonymous said...
Dear S,
probably she just takes pictures of the good food. she doesn't have to clear the plates up ya? as she have said that she tries avoid carbs, she might just eat the fish and leave the 3/4 plate of pasta there. you wont get fat like that.
most girls like her just eat a few mouths and say I'M FULL. no offense, cos thats what i do too. we just want to taste a little of everything and get the satisfaction. =D
♥Zoe Raymond: Hello! Thats kinda true! :) that i try not to take carbo! And i loveee taking pictures to share more than eating! (Annoys Zonia to the MAX)
I dont eat alot to begin with, so its a mixture of all! thanks for replying to S! Been busy! ):
M. said...
Hello Zoe!
I was just thinking you should bring ur mum for a hair makeover!. i kinda feel like she'll look better and fresher with shoulder-length hair and more layered maybe? cause her current hairstyle looks kinda dated and heavy. just my two cents worth, hope u dont' mind (:
♥Zoe Raymond: No prob M! Will try to psycho her to Von's! (: Cause she's less concerned of her looks actually. Totally the opposite of Daddy, Zonia and i! Haha! She doesnt even like having nail varnishes on! (:
Thanks M!
Anonymous said...
May I know is putting braces pain? Cause I am putting it soon. Am afraid of pain.
♥Zoe Raymond: Hello! I think its bearable! But its very individual! (: Its the extraction processes that scares me, after which. All will be a breeze!
Anonymous said...
Hi Zoe! someone has probably asked about this before but can i know which lip stick or lib balm do u use? love the sweet pink!
♥Zoe Raymond: Pls refer to the Heroine Make post! (:
Janice said...
Dress looks great on you :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hahaha! Of course Janice! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi ! May i know where you got your belt or where can i get those belt? Thanks a lot! ^^
♥Zoe Raymond: It belongs to my bestie, En! (: The girl next to me in the photos!
Anonymous said...
babe, may i know where is benefit located at?
♥Zoe Raymond: Err departmental stores like Tangs? (:
Anonymous said...
Hi babe, can i know which model of camera u're using right now?
♥Zoe Raymond: Pls refer to "Posts worth reading" and click on
"What camera i use!"
I've done up a post there, includes the specs and pricings! :)
jane said...
Hi, may i know where you got your bag from ?
is it still available?
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi jean, its from Voguestreets from a past advertorial! (:
Anonymous said...
Haha! It's funny the way you say your dad zonia and you likes taking photos. Your dad seems like a really cheery person, like you! :)
I agree maybe your mum should go for shoulder length hair!
♥Zoe Raymond: Muahahaaha! Yes we love the camera! TTM! LOL!
Mommy doesnt have the time for pampering! ): She is always busy around the house! But i will try to bring her to Von's! She's not the vain kind la! She doesnt even do nails! ):
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