I was an hour early for my appointment!
So i decided to take some pictures of the salon parlour to share!
Everytime im at Von's, i would be in a rush! This is probably the first time which i am not! Haha!
So nice pictures for those who haven visited Von! (:

Reception (:

The salon is above the mexican restaurant (:
Check out the huge range of hair colors available at Von's!
Von doesn't just use a single color tone, he mixes very nice colors!

nasi lemak for dinner! yummy!

hair dye in!

After washing off the hair color,
im in for a treat!!
Hair Treatment via steaming! Super nutritious for the hair for such humid Singapore!

After treatment,
its hair cut time!

very good layering by von (:

If you are interested to get a change in hairstyle or pamper yourself to a hair treatment,
you can give Von a try!
He's located at Mad about hair Salon at Lorong Manbong, Holland V.
Entitled to 10% off any hair services if you mention my name!
Some of the charges:
Haircut: $60
Intensive Treatment: $125 onwards (Mine and Sheila's length is $150)
Coloring: $150 onwards (Mine and Sheila's length is $180)
Rebonding and Perms: $250 onwards (Depending on type of treatment as well!)
Von's a senior stylist, so his rates might be higher but definitely affordable for a stylist like him.
I managed to get 20% off any hair services for all of you, if you bring your friend along!
Von @ 92995052, and he is by Appointment ONLY.
And yes!!
I've got a new blazer for work!!!

Here's how the blazer looks awesome-ly!

MT-018 Black Blazer:
If you are interested to be featured here, do drop an email to zoeraymond@live.com for advertising rates (:
If you are interested to be featured here, do drop an email to zoeraymond@live.com for advertising rates (:
trying to make mine grow long, but now I want a haircut. yikes! :X
love your hair (:
Hi , can i noe which brand and colour of contact lens u wearing ?
is the blazer too big for you, as it seems like in the pictures )):
wanna get one but i scare its a little too big.
Hey yo! Hmm, what is the colour that Von did for you ? Is it a highlight or ? I think your blog is great! Having all these adverts :D Just ignore people who criticizes about using this blog to earn money!! I really think is a plus point luh, as in, at least you no need depend on your parents for pocket money!! :D so Jiayou!
hi, may i know where u got ur top and skirt at? It's really sweet! :)
hey babe, u've checked ur posts worth reading but din notice anything on skincare... can i check what skincare are u currently using? also do u take any whitening pills? tks!
hi, may i know what's the code/name of contact lens both u n Zonia(pizza hut post) wearing? thanks! u look sweet:)
You cut your bang as well? Feel that you look nicer with longer bang like last time :)
☆ Meli ☆ said...
trying to make mine grow long, but now I want a haircut. yikes! :X
love your hair (:
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi Meli! (: I have been with super long hair for years! Now i find it fresher! Haha! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi , can i noe which brand and colour of contact lens u wearing ?
♥Zoe Raymond: Dueba, brown! (:
Christiny said...
is the blazer too big for you, as it seems like in the pictures )):
wanna get one but i scare its a little too big.
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi dear! It will suit a UK8 better! (:
ING said...
Hey yo! Hmm, what is the colour that Von did for you ? Is it a highlight or ? I think your blog is great! Having all these adverts :D Just ignore people who criticizes about using this blog to earn money!! I really think is a plus point luh, as in, at least you no need depend on your parents for pocket money!! :D so Jiayou!
♥Zoe Raymond: HI ING! Von mixes it himself! ): So im not sure, cause i dont ask him also! I always say, brown! And he will do the rest!
Haha! And its rare for someone to get me to do more advertorials! Haha! But, thanks! (:
Anonymous said...
hi, may i know where u got ur top and skirt at? It's really sweet! :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Its a one-piece dress dear! From Korea (:
silver said...
hey babe, u've checked ur posts worth reading but din notice anything on skincare... can i check what skincare are u currently using? also do u take any whitening pills? tks!
♥Zoe Raymond: Haha! Hello Silver! Its cause i dont have a skin regime! I only wash my face with cleanser! Im using Origins brighter by nature, but switch around with Clean n Clear and eversoft! Those Chapalang brand at home!
I've never been to a facial or take whitening pills (:
Mich said...
hi, may i know what's the code/name of contact lens both u n Zonia(pizza hut post) wearing? thanks! u look sweet:)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey Mich! Mine is dueba brown and Zonia's geo lens in light brown? Zonia's has codes but i really cant remember cause its a very old pair which i didnt like and donated it to her! Haha!
Xiaoninja said...
You cut your bang as well? Feel that you look nicer with longer bang like last time :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Haha! Xiaoninja! Its not bangs! (: Just shorter fringe! I comb it to the side still! I cant carry off bangs well so i never have that hairstyle though i really like it! ):
Hi, may I know how much Von charges for fringe rebonding? :)
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