mini cup cakes from Retna's client!
It was banana cupcakes the day before! Super yummy!

It was Takashimaya basement for dinner! (:
Crave for Pasta, we headed to Ambush! Our 3rd time there, its worth a try!

meat ball spaghetti (:

Salmon tom yum spaghetti!

Braces just up, so cant eat yet!
Been swallowing my food. Haha!
So Spaghetti aint a good idea, cause its too hard!!!
Thankfully for the soft Salmon! (:

After dinner, strolled to Fareast Plaza to take a bus home! (:
There's a direct bus to my condo gate, just about 5 bus stops away.
B showed me a new toy from his company!
I reallyyy like it and im gonna get him to get me a few! HEHE!

After dinner, strolled to Fareast Plaza to take a bus home! (:
There's a direct bus to my condo gate, just about 5 bus stops away.
B showed me a new toy from his company!
I reallyyy like it and im gonna get him to get me a few! HEHE!

Baby sized moving rubber!

Still playing it on the bus! HEHE!

Its not your ordinary torchlight!

Still playing it on the bus! HEHE!
Bought a new shoe rack! Zonia took my shoes all out for photo taking to blog! Hahahaha!
She remembered some people asking me about my shoes!

some of my heels and brand new sandals!!
I have like 10 pairs at my doorstep!!! You have no idea how my Daddy nags at me cause of them!!!!

my most expensive pair that i only wore once!

I got about 10 more pairs left in hendra's studio and b's!
Zoe, the braclet is so pretty is it still available ? Gone to try the meatball pasta :)
Hi, I do admire your dedication to blogging and all, but I noticed that you like to mention how near to town you live, that you stay in a condo blah blah. must you always remind readers from time to time that you stay in a condo? Are you afraid that people will forget?
Zoe, recently i gain 4 to 5kg due 2 snacking too much and i had quite a lot of pimples too on my cheeks! can u suggest some ways 2 me so that my problems can be solve! (:
Hello Zoe. I'm on the exact same page with . Yes, I appreciate your dedication to blogging and how you've been advertising for blogshops, so that we, your reader will have more options to get pretty clothes from. The thing is I believe all your readers would know that you are living in a condo, Cosmopolitan to be exact right? You know, there's actually lots of people that lives in condos and landed property as well. So, no offense to you, but it's actually not that big a deal for you to be living in a condo. And one other thing I don't quite get it,it's that when you are blogging about your grandparents, you never failed to mention that they lived in Bukit Timah. I mean, I think I get what you are trying to put across to your readers, it's that everyone from your extended family members are well to do as well. Nevertheless, you are still my favourite blogger. Cheers. =)
*same page with Bella.
Ehh heather, its metropolition! Lol. And when i visit my aunts who live in hdb, i would say bedok too? It seems that only bt timah rings in ur ears? Its my style to name places, and actually my parents did work really hard for the condo, might nt be fr the many others who do but its quite a big deal fr our family (:Nevertheless, thanks fr the imput (; similarly, thanks bella! (;
where did u get ur black heel on the first pic? Nice!normally where do u get all ur heels for all range of price? Shop name and brand pls? =)
Hi Zoe,
have been a silent reader for a long time and decided to comment for the first time as i saw a few negative comments recently. I hope you will still continue to update your blog frequently despite of those comments :)
hey there! Still not very used to see u with the metal thingy..kinda funny..hahaha! U look gd if u not smile on the pic, but when u took a pic with ur colleague's box of cakes..seem like u are at the middle of tasting it with the cakes stuckked at ur tooths? =)
Oh Zoe, my bad then. But it's MetropoliTAN right? Or TION? I mixed up prob cos The Cosmopolitan is not far from you. Anyway,I must admit you location is pretty good, it's almost in the central, can get access to anywhere pretty easily.
hey Zoe, you got the link mixed up for starglace with ashincans here in your entry.
hey zoe, i'm curious, normally do the online shop owners look for you to do advertorials or will you ask them? how does it work? :)
No problem, I like that you handle criticism well so kudos to you on that.
like OMG, i LURVE your most expensive heels. wear did u get it? love your dress as well.
Heyy does Zonia does photoshoots for blogshops too?
convenient to share her blog or something? may be interested to know more cause i'm trying to look for a suitable blogshop model too (:
Hi zoe, like yourself i'll be a young working adult soon...But i've no prior experience thus zero idea how office ladies should dress. really appreciate when u take photos of ur working outfits...
Like ur blazer, where u got it from? Would a long or short plazer be easier to match clothes?
Anonymous said...
Zoe, the braclet is so pretty is it still available ? Gone to try the meatball pasta :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Err! Sorry dear! Boyf got it from Japan! (: You like the pasta?
Anonymous said...
Zoe, recently i gain 4 to 5kg due 2 snacking too much and i had quite a lot of pimples too on my cheeks! can u suggest some ways 2 me so that my problems can be solve! (:
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey dear! If u wanna snack, drink more water! (: The best way is to sleep early and drink more water! Serious! (: Try sleeping early for 1 week, it will go away (:
Anonymous said...
♥Zoe Raymond: Haha! You sure are curious!
Anonymous said...
where did u get ur black heel on the first pic? Nice!normally where do u get all ur heels for all range of price? Shop name and brand pls? =)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi viv! Its from Charles n Keith, the most comfortable pair ive got so far! Haha!
Anonymous said...
Hi Zoe,
have been a silent reader for a long time and decided to comment for the first time as i saw a few negative comments recently. I hope you will still continue to update your blog frequently despite of those comments :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey! Thanks dear! (: No its fine. I cant expect everyone to see eye to eye! So its okay!
Anonymous said...
hey there! Still not very used to see u with the metal thingy..kinda funny..hahaha! U look gd if u not smile on the pic, but when u took a pic with ur colleague's box of cakes..seem like u are at the middle of tasting it with the cakes stuckked at ur tooths? =)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi Alf! If they aint metal looking, they aint called braces right? And ya boy! I dont like braces myself and i cant wait for 1.5 years to be over!! Thats if u can wait till then! (:
Anonymous said...
hey Zoe, you got the link mixed up for starglace with ashincans here in your entry.
♥Zoe Raymond: Oops! Got it thanks! (:
Anonymous said...
hey zoe, i'm curious, normally do the online shop owners look for you to do advertorials or will you ask them? how does it work? :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey dear! Most of the advertisers drop me emails, some of which that i really like some stuff from them, i will drop a negotiation deal in exchange! (:
Anonymous said...
like OMG, i LURVE your most expensive heels. wear did u get it? love your dress as well.
♥Zoe Raymond: Haha! Its written TOPSHOP on the shoe base! (:
CHAMANDA said...
♥Zoe Raymond: Haha! Thanks dear! (:
M said...
Heyy does Zonia does photoshoots for blogshops too?
convenient to share her blog or something? may be interested to know more cause i'm trying to look for a suitable blogshop model too (:
♥Zoe Raymond: Zonia doesnt blog (: She replied it on our old photos post. She doesnt do blogshop modeling as well (:
Anonymous said...
Hi zoe, like yourself i'll be a young working adult soon...But i've no prior experience thus zero idea how office ladies should dress. really appreciate when u take photos of ur working outfits...
Like ur blazer, where u got it from? Would a long or short plazer be easier to match clothes?
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi ting! I will be sharing a blogshop that i got blazers from really soon! (:
I prefer blazers that are just nice, non cropped! Just get satin dresses and pair it with a blazer! (:
Hello zoe,
it's my first time commenting!^^
may I ask for the black high waist shorts that you wore with couture looks's stripped crop with knotted tie, where you got the high waist from?
Hi Zoe,
where did you get tat pink flats with some "metal chains" ?? looks so cool.. and nice collection of shoes you got!! tee hee..
Bernice said...
Hello zoe,it's my first time commenting!^^
may I ask for the black high waist shorts that you wore with couture looks's stripped crop with knotted tie, where you got the high waist from?
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi bernice! See closer! Its a black tube top under the shirt and im wearing a normal black shorts (: See the mid rift picture (: Its e same shorts!
Raine said...
Hi Zoe,
where did you get tat pink flats with some "metal chains" ?? looks so cool.. and nice collection of shoes you got!! tee hee.
♥Zoe Raymond: US! Gojane, Raine! (: But verrryyy long ago! Haha!
Hey there, where did you get that blazer from?
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