Zonia and i were looking through the albums of our childhood.
So thought it would be nice to share them here!

greedy, mouth stuck with an oreo!

that's baby zonia!
and the one who's sitting like a boy, is yours truly! Hahahaha!

I want my cake!!!!!

i took Hawaiian dance at PAP!

family photo at one of the CNY!

another photo at my performance!

picture in mommy's wallet till now!
How was your childhood like?
Alot of photos for keepsake?
A photo of the whole family at Christmas 09 

On a lighter note.....

To those who caused a hugeee commotion, please see how flash makes me fairer, not cause of foundation (which i said i do not put)!
Have an early night dearies! (:
hi zoe, where did u do ur braces at? orange dental? and how much is it for the whole 1 and a half year? any idea?
OMG good luck with your braces hon! I hated having them!! haha.. it huuuuuuurt! :(
btw, I'm glad you didn't get too much involved with those bitching about your "fake" fairness and just continued doing your thing! good on you! :D
you look prettier and more natural with no flash! =)
What brand of eyeliner are you using? (:
Grr Zoe, you look quite cute when you were young! I like the picture that you wore the red mickey mouse dress! So cute! Grown so much prettier! And your new blue blogskin! Nice max! (:
zoe! you and zonia still retained your looks from young :) could totally recognise who is who :D
i like your previous blogskin better! not that this isnt awesome as well, but your face looks devoid of colour & your eyes looks too huge, almost to the point of absurdity. no offense, but that's how the picture came across my dear.you're a beautiful girl, but this picture doesn't do you justice at all!
Anonymous said...
hi zoe, where did u do ur braces at? orange dental? and how much is it for the whole 1 and a half year? any idea?
♥Zoe Raymond: Toothangels (: About $4000.
☆ Meli ☆ said...
OMG good luck with your braces hon! I hated having them!! haha.. it huuuuuuurt! :(
btw, I'm glad you didn't get too much involved with those bitching about your "fake" fairness and just continued doing your thing! good on you! :D
♥Zoe Raymond: OEI MELI! Where have you been!!!! Haven seen you commenting for the longest time! Boo you! Hahahahaa! Anyway, really thank you for dropping by with the sweet words! (:
eileen said...
You look prettier and more natural with no flash! =)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hello Eileen! I thought so too! But u see, my camera is super sensitive so every picture without flash might be shaky so i have to have reallllyyyy stable hands, which is tough! ):
Anonymous said...
What brand of eyeliner are you using? (:
♥Zoe Raymond: gift from my aunt! Cliqinue Gel eyeliner (:
EC said...
Grr Zoe, you look quite cute when you were young! I like the picture that you wore the red mickey mouse dress! So cute! Grown so much prettier! And your new blue blogskin! Nice max! (:
♥Zoe Raymond: REALLY EC? I think i look like a BOY! Haha! Mickey throw off is really cute right! Parents got them from Disneyland then i think!!
I love my new skin! Its actually Color of Tiffany! (:
Anonymous said...
zoe! you and zonia still retained your looks from young :) could totally recognise who is who :D
♥Zoe Raymond: Yea boy! Hahaha! But Zonia is cuter, THEN! HAHAHA! SHHH!
Anonymous said...
i like your previous blogskin better! not that this isnt awesome as well, but your face looks devoid of colour & your eyes looks too huge, almost to the point of absurdity. no offense, but that's how the picture came across my dear.you're a beautiful girl, but this picture doesn't do you justice at all!
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey dear! No problem! Not everyone can appreciate the photo actually! Haha! Its more on a commercial kinda take on this photo! And i really like it! Cause the set up was tough and took quite sometime to finalize a shot! (:
And the color is actually the color of Tiffany! HEHE! (:
you have reli good complexion.. i have to put foundation so that my skin looks clearer or relatively smoother..
i understand that u used to use the brand et**s.. are u still using them?
or are there any other skin "miracles" you can recommend.. hahah..
thks, babe..
and reli envious of your smooth and fair complexion.. *sobz
Yeah you really look cute! HAHHA! (: Never comment for sucha long time!
hanar i was cuter then! now you cuter. you happy can already! hahaha
how old is zonia now? you two look like you guys have very minimal age gap in your childhood photos! :D What's the age gap like???
hello dawn, im a year younger. (:
zonia, you own a blog ?
Hi zoe,this is my first time leaving a comment here at your blog.Got to say that ur pictures reaallllyyyyyyy look alot better without flash:)It makes u looked more natural:)
nope i dont blog. haha
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