I wore my new new dress out today! One of my favorite dress now actually!
I don't own many sleeved dresses cause i always cant find a piece that fits me well!
Be it the length of the dress or the sides.
I browsed through fairyfemme and found a dress that fits the bill! Definitely a Petite sizing!
Let the pictures speak!

i like the lacey collar very very very muchhhh! 

Wore the dress out on Saturday! (:

shall let my hair down for it the next time! HAHA!
Walked back to Central and at the Singapore River,
so many artists at work!

very breezy (:
And before i forget, the Studded quilted bag is from fairyfemme as well!
You can get yours at less than $20 from their sales page!!!

i know how the flash made me look like a had the wrong foundation color on.
as repeated countless of times, i dont use foundations.
p/s: See above picture at Singapore river and picture with donuts to see true skin color.
as repeated countless of times, i dont use foundations.
p/s: See above picture at Singapore river and picture with donuts to see true skin color.

Ms Nautical Stripes Peter Pan Dress (Navy)
Gold Studded Quilted Bag:
If you are interested to be featured here, do drop an email to zoeraymond@live.com for advertising rates (:
u sure u don put foundation?
then your face must be very fair o.o
Hey zoe! If you use sunblock, I am sure it is the sunblock causing the whitening and uneven (face and neck) effects esp during the night or you take pictures in the dark, it is more obvious! (:
There's no need for Zoe to use a foundation as there's nothing for her to cover. And she's really with those natural, thick, curl eyelash. Btw Zoe, what do u wan for ur bday? Its coming!!!!! **Excited..**
How much would Von charge for just cutting of fringe? Thanks babe!(:
err. natural lashes? 0.o
What do you use for your face? BB cream, powder? (:
u mean cuz of the flashes, ur cheeks have rosy effect too?
look like theres a hole in the back of ur mouth. makin space for the braces?
it may due to the beauty mode of her camera.. she say didn't put means didn't put.. bluff for what.. zzz.
my sis doesnt use foundation at all. neither does she apply sunblock. she's naturally fair & the flash from the samsung camera makes her appear even fairer.
oh &, nope the flash doesnt make her cheeks rosy. she said she doesnt use foundation but she does put on blusher! :DD
err, i dont understand why one would care so much about if zoe puts or does not puts on foundation. seriously, its how ridiculously funny you are to care so much about it. or just plainly because you aint as pretty as her, and you're jealous?
how she is and how she carries herself has no concern of yours, i think you stop commenting all these. because it's not nice either, for both zoe and you. it just portray badly of you and how narrow-minded you are.
*i am just speaking the truth, without siding anyone. because its one's own business of whatever one does. he/she has no such needs to account to others moreover a stranger.
Cheers, koky
yeah zoe, i thought i saw spacing in your tooth for braces! or are you wearing internal braces? :)
i have got natural fair skin, and flash doesnt make my face and neck/body have different colour tone! zoe's face and neck colour is soooooooo much different. the neck is like tanned and the face is like WHITE. look at the isetan casting grp pic(1st in the post), her face is still different tone from her neck/body. that pic cant possibly taken with flash? even if so, the 2nd girl from the right has got really fair skin and her colour are equal. that is call natural fair.
and i beg to differ koky. those people aint jealous, they are just maybe feeling sad that the blogger they have been following are not speaking the truth?
i do agree that people have different perspective about different things. but whether they are speaking truth or not have no associates to us, because they are just blemishing their own reputation. however we readers can choose to not read all these. eyes grew on us, we can control what we see. i just feel that its alright for us to ask her, but in a nicer way. it feels a little crude. no offences but maybe zoe should come out and talk it out instead of letting her readers' thinking and asking. it's not fair to both.
hi zoe, not sure if you are aware but felt that you should know, the owner of fairyfemme trashed you before in an online forum...
En said...
There's no need for Zoe to use a foundation as there's nothing for her to cover. And she's really with those natural, thick, curl eyelash. Btw Zoe, what do u wan for ur bday? Its coming!!!!! **Excited..**
♥Zoe Raymond: EN!!!! May, i have course in Tampines! Meet for lunch or dinner okay? HEHE! (: I want chanel for birthday, thank u! HAHAAHHA!
Anonymous said...
How much would Von charge for just cutting of fringe? Thanks babe!(:
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey! I think its the same price. Do drop him a sms to double check!
Anonymous said...
u mean cuz of the flashes, ur cheeks have rosy effect too?
♥Zoe Raymond: I use blusher! (:
cookie said...
it may due to the beauty mode of her camera.. she say didn't put means didn't put.. bluff for what.. zzz.
♥Zoe Raymond: Some ppl just dont get it! Thanks Cookie! (:
Anonymous said...
hi zoe, not sure if you are aware but felt that you should know, the owner of fairyfemme trashed you before in an online forum...
♥Zoe Raymond: Hello! Nope, im not a frequent on online forums (:
Hi this is Leanne the owner from FairyFemme.
I do not have any account in any online forum.
I hope this is clear.
& i'm really grateful to Zoe's advertising, so i would like to stress, i NEVER EVER betray her. :)
Hope this helps.
leanne - what a lie...seriously? pple have seen your face on a certain forum countless of times.
and know of your many lies too. :/
Nope, i don't lie.
I have not been in e forums for a mth or so.
I gonna ask Zoe for advertising soon. :)
Grateful for her <3
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