Loving my floral bodycon dress!
I know there will be girlies who are in love with floral and will ask! Wink*
The dress arrived from Supre too! (:
I know there will be girlies who are in love with floral and will ask! Wink*
The dress arrived from Supre too! (:

The low back!!!
Its a tad too short and i had to get used to pulling in lower!!!
Its a tad too short and i had to get used to pulling in lower!!!

You see nails?
They are Sheila's!
And yes!!! We met up again. And she had her nails done again!

Our same shade of color hair, exact same kinda fringe, just different partings! 

and Mabel was hers for the day! (:
We met on Monday for a shopping date!
But thats not after she finished pampering her nails.

no idea what was Sheila doing!

Mabel looking pleased!

These 2 pictures are funny! We were fighting over a photo space!
Non of us wanted to be at the front, fear of looking FAT!!!
As you can see... Sheila is the big bully!!!!! She squeezed and pushed her way to the back!
Non of us wanted to be at the front, fear of looking FAT!!!
As you can see... Sheila is the big bully!!!!! She squeezed and pushed her way to the back!

We left after the nails and roamed town aimlessly!
It was actually our first time walking town together, like really shopping around.
We were always tied up at The Nails Status!

the girl who loves her eye shadows.
We went to GAP and took control of the fitting room!
More pictures on Sheila's Lumix!

i spy a babe trying on bras!
And yes, Sheila said she needed new bras so there we were, Wacoal!
I love wacoal bras!!! 

We walked Taka, Ion, Cine, Marina Mandarin and headed back to Taka to wait for meetup with boyf.
She left with Jy for ramen and we parted ways (:
It was a tiring day out for the both of us, we both parted hungry!!! So much walking for the day!!
I had dinner at Taka's foodcourt!
I think the Japanese food there kinda pass for a food-court standard.

I had pork katsu!

Unagi rice with eggs.
One thing about me before i end this post?
I really don't like Unagi (うなぎ).
No wait, the day ended with Snacks not Unagi!

Snacks shopping at Marks and Spencer (:
Hooray to more Honey Roasted Ham Chips! 

follow my page here!
and watch this video! If you love adorable babies, you gotta see this!
Watch how a lil toddler terrorized her Daddykins!
On a lighter note, B's plane just landed from Japan! I heard i have alot of goodies coming my way!!!
Can't wait to rip them all open!!!

omg SAMANTHA THAVASA!!! I'm so jealous haha. you've got such a great boyfriend! (:
may i know which salon you and your friend always go do your nail? how much does it cost?
may I know which makeup brand you used for foundation? Looks flawless on you. Pretty!!
babe! how much did you get the weighing scale for and from? I've been looking for such weighing scale for quite sometime!
Melissa said...
omg SAMANTHA THAVASA!!! I'm so jealous haha. you've got such a great boyfriend! (:
♥Zoe Raymond: He pampers me quite abit!
Anonymous said...
may i know which salon you and your friend always go do your nail? how much does it cost?
♥Zoe Raymond: The nail Status at Fareast! Ehhh, the charges it depends on what service you wanna do?
Anonymous said...
may I know which makeup brand you used for foundation? Looks flawless on you. Pretty!!
♥Zoe Raymond: My camera has a beauty mode that smoothens! I don't use any foundation (:
Michelle said...
babe! how much did you get the weighing scale for and from? I've been looking for such weighing scale for quite sometime!
♥Zoe Raymond: How are you michelle! The machine is from Kallang Leisure Park! I got it when i was working for an event in Oct 09! Not sure if they still carry tho! Its a shop at the first level selling alot of ornaments!
Hi, dear. How did you order from Supre? Able to help me order the similar bodycon dress too?
Hi! (:
Saw your way previous post that you're actually buying F21 from the website itself.
Beside paying for the clothing and shipping fees, do we still need to pay any tax?
hello! i just chanced upon your blog today and i think your pics are really colourful and happy! very nice (: btw, can i ask what eyeliner do you use? looks lke it stays on even after a long day. mine always smudges after awhile which sucks ):
HAHAHA, more snacks from Japan ? Your boyfriend is really really sweet!! he works for a japan company ar ? so he flies here and there all the time ? i wonder if you guys quarrel over different views and stuffs? you 2 look perfect!! and loving!!
Justina Lim said...
Hi, dear. How did you order from Supre? Able to help me order the similar bodycon dress too?
♥Zoe Raymond: Sorry aint ordering anytime soon! (:
hi there, wat lenses are u using? how much isit?
hiya! were you and sheila from the same school last time or something? haaa.
hey sweet mind sharing th web of supre ? :D
ling said...
Hi! (:
Saw your way previous post that you're actually buying F21 from the website itself.
Beside paying for the clothing and shipping fees, do we still need to pay any tax?
♥Zoe Raymond: Sorry im not sure! I don't check! (:
Anonymous said...
hello! i just chanced upon your blog today and i think your pics are really colourful and happy! very nice (: btw, can i ask what eyeliner do you use? looks lke it stays on even after a long day. mine always smudges after awhile which sucks ):
♥Zoe Raymond: Welcome! (: Am using Clinique Gel Eyeliner! (:
ING said...
HAHAHA, more snacks from Japan ? Your boyfriend is really really sweet!! he works for a japan company ar ? so he flies here and there all the time ? i wonder if you guys quarrel over different views and stuffs? you 2 look perfect!! and loving!!
♥Zoe Raymond: Hahaha! Sometimes, not all the time! (: Just a few times a year! We bicker alot! haha!
Anonymous said...
hi there, wat lenses are u using? how much isit?
♥Zoe Raymond: Dueba! (:
Anonymous said...
hiya! were you and sheila from the same school last time or something? haaa.
♥Zoe Raymond: Nope! (: We know each other about 1-2 years back only!
Anonymous said...
hey sweet mind sharing th web of supre ? :D
♥Zoe Raymond: I believe you can find it on your own! Haha! Its just supre.com?
hi babe, may i noe the cream bag wher u buy from ? =)
u 3 girls are lovely as usual:D
hhaas sweet.
i try the web , but is a salon web instead
Anonymous said...
hi babe, may i noe the cream bag wher u buy from ? =)
♥Zoe Raymond: Bugis Street 1 year back! (:
Oliver said...
u 3 girls are lovely as usual:D
♥Zoe Raymond: Thanks Oliver! (: and hello!
Anonymous said...
hhaas sweet.
i try the web , but is a salon web instead
♥Zoe Raymond: Try .com.au? Actually you can google supre. Google is a good search engine! (:
hi dear, may i know where you got your floral bodycon dress from? it's very pretty! :)
Joyce here. wonder if you know where Sheila gets her bag from? I like the design. is it an online shop?
Priscilla said...
hi dear, may i know where you got your floral bodycon dress from? it's very pretty! :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Ehh Priscilla, I replied it in the above comments actually! The dress is from Supre! (:
Anonymous said...
Joyce here. wonder if you know where Sheila gets her bag from? I like the design. is it an online shop?
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey Joyce, Sheila's bag is from Fendi! (:
hi, i like sheila's bag - brown. can u ask her where she get it? Thanks,
in love with that dress!
hi zoe, what size dyou get for your supre dresses? (:
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