So we had this year's reunion dinner at Bt Timah. Grandparents' house cause both of them aint very fit this year to dine out! The maids and Grandma got yummy dinner ready!
So much better than eating out! We get to hang around and catch up. Dining out means we gotta eat, finish and leave! Especially during CNY periods, restaurants have 2 shifts for dinners! So if your family is on the earlier dinner shift, you gotta finish by this time for shift 2! Shift 2 dinner aint any better cause by the time we finish dinner, its time to wrap up the day! So really, So much better than eating out! (:

yes its the grey HH dress ive been raving about!
Glad i can fit into it! Similarly to the rest of the dresses i wore all week!!! Sheila was afraid the PTP for her dresses would be too small for me! HEHE!

zonia and her super dark hair!

brought cupcakes from jara petit for my cousins!

in the car to reunion dinner!

Arrived at destination!

and yes i am at the pork bun corner!
(actually cause all the kids are there! HAHA!)

lil brat yu xin!

she has her popiah. i have my pork bun!

my lips look damn red in this picture.
And the thing is, the food is not spicy!

the boys (and yu xin) lazing around after dinner!

lady in red is mummy!
We had yummy dessert too!

i wet my dress while washing my hands at the sink of the loo. damn stupid of me.

and we had our cheesecups too!

reiko! she's a big girl now! Gave her some of my new clothes for cny!

(: She's been my listener at my hard times at work.

take 1: Reiko blocks Gugu Julie.

Take 2: Gugu got pissed and shoved Reiko off! HAHAHA!
Its been a really fun reunion. More of a get together for my family (:
I saw this photo story on facebook the other day. They were obviously trying to imitate Chester Tan's. I feel if you want to do the same, do it in quality! The idea is so good, why trash it?
I saw this photo story on facebook the other day. They were obviously trying to imitate Chester Tan's. I feel if you want to do the same, do it in quality! The idea is so good, why trash it?
Anyway, How was your reunion dinner?
I bet yours was just as wonderful as mine (:
Ruched Waist V Slit Bustier Dress- Grey: http://hollyhoque.com
I bet yours was just as wonderful as mine (:
Ruched Waist V Slit Bustier Dress- Grey: http://hollyhoque.com
HH.com is under construction to serve you better. Meanwhile, direct your orders to sales@hollyhoque.com
Hi zoe, its been a long time since i've dropped you a comment. Its not against the law being a private person. There are too many complicated things in life. Some people are able to cope with it without blogging out, some chose to blog it out. Ignore those people who haven't learn how to respect this simple thing. Because i know its never easy coping with all these issues and trying to do an entertaining and cheerful posts and response for your readers. :D tkcare.
Hi zoe, I've been reading ur blog for quite some time, and I really like your dressing style!
oh btw, do you use falsies or mascara?? cuz you have very nice eyes there! =)
Your readers assume that you got a perm job.. which mean you can stay in the company as many months as you can till you resign from the company.. temp job is for few weeks to few months... somehow you may mislead your readers.
I dont think so. For her post titled:' Basilico with Estee (:
Saturday, February 06, 2010; 8:15 PM'
It is stated: " Lesley Shepherdson!
She's really very nice and patient! Teaching me all the ropes before she moves on to another brand"
So in a temp job position, she would be there to replace Lesley Shepherson. Replacement is permanant. And she did state that she wont be blogging that often due to work. I guess she resign on her own accord. Yet she doesnt want to let the readers knows, hence she rather have some suspense to maintain readership by being a liar to attract attention?
No one would blame her if she wants to hide as she has her own privacy, but being a cyberlebrity and always seeking attention, people might get sick of you someday.
Plus, from her lifestyle its quite obvious that she is the upmarket and extravagant kind, hence i think she is not use to the lifestyle of working and hence cannot take the pressure and therefore resign, leading the readers to believe that contract ended.
So in a temp job position, she would be there to replace Lesley Shepherson. Replacement is permanant. And she did state that she wont be blogging that often due to work. I guess she resign on her own accord. Yet she doesnt want to let the readers knows, hence she rather have some suspense to maintain readership by being a liar to attract attention?
No one would blame her if she wants to hide as she has her own privacy, but being a cyberlebrity and always seeking attention, people might get sick of you someday.
Plus, from her lifestyle its quite obvious that she is the upmarket and extravagant kind, hence i think she is not use to the lifestyle of working and hence cannot take the pressure and therefore resign, leading the readers to believe that contract ended.
Reply to that Anonymous:
Hey comeon, most of the people don't lead such upmarket and extravagant lives. Those people would like to read about such kind of life stories. After all, if you are the type who lead that wake-bathe-work-home-eat-sleep kind of life, would you rather read of such kind of lifestyle that ZR leads or those same kind that you lead?
Anyway, everyone is a liar in many different ways. Please don't tell anyone that you have never lied before. Even successful people lie their way up. -.-
Hi zoe, something to add on. "Don't bother about what others comment on you. It is YOUR life, you are the only one FIT to comment on yourself."
Yt said...
Hi zoe, its been a long time since i've dropped you a comment. Its not against the law being a private person. There are too many complicated things in life. Some people are able to cope with it without blogging out, some chose to blog it out. Ignore those people who haven't learn how to respect this simple thing. Because i know its never easy coping with all these issues and trying to do an entertaining and cheerful posts and response for your readers. :D tkcare.
♥ ZOE R: Thanks YT for being supportive! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi zoe, I've been reading ur blog for quite some time, and I really like your dressing style!
oh btw, do you use falsies or mascara?? cuz you have very nice eyes there! =)
♥ ZOE R: Thanks dear! Its the sponsors that have great fashion sense to bring in beautiful clothes! (: Im starting to use more of falsies cause im kinda lazy to remove mascara! HEHE!
Anonymous said...
Your readers assume that you got a perm job.. which mean you can stay in the company as many months as you can till you resign from the company.. temp job is for few weeks to few months... somehow you may mislead your readers.
♥ ZOE R: Hey there! I'm sorry if i might have (:
Anonymous said...
I dont think so. For her post titled:' Basilico with Estee (:
Saturday, February 06, 2010; 8:15 PM'
It is stated: " Lesley Shepherdson!
She's really very nice and patient! Teaching me all the ropes before she moves on to another brand"
So in a temp job position, she would be there to replace Lesley Shepherson. Replacement is permanant. And she did state that she wont be blogging that often due to work. I guess she resign on her own accord. Yet she doesnt want to let the readers knows, hence she rather have some suspense to maintain readership by being a liar to attract attention?
No one would blame her if she wants to hide as she has her own privacy, but being a cyberlebrity and always seeking attention, people might get sick of you someday.
Plus, from her lifestyle its quite obvious that she is the upmarket and extravagant kind, hence i think she is not use to the lifestyle of working and hence cannot take the pressure and therefore resign, leading the readers to believe that contract ended.
♥ ZOE R: Omg! You seem to be very free to go through my posts and copying and pasting! Anyway, Lesley dear is of a higher rank, and she's leaving the brand for another brand. I'm not replacing her cause there is a experienced lady which is hired to replace lesley (: Lesley is teaching me some of the things i need to take over from the new marketing exec (:
Please dont dramatize things! (: I don't have to be secretive to attract readers cause i get the same pool of readers everyday and i can see that (: No hits increase in fact!
E.T. said...
Hey comeon, most of the people don't lead such upmarket and extravagant lives. Those people would like to read about such kind of life stories. After all, if you are the type who lead that wake-bathe-work-home-eat-sleep kind of life, would you rather read of such kind of lifestyle that ZR leads or those same kind that you lead?
Anyway, everyone is a liar in many different ways. Please don't tell anyone that you have never lied before. Even successful people lie their way up. -.-
♥ ZOE R: Good one ET! But i don't have an upmarket life! I dine out only on saturdays and one/two weekdays! And i dont always dine at restaurants but I cant really take photos at hawker centres even if i really want to right? (:
Yt said...
Hi zoe, something to add on. "Don't bother about what others comment on you. It is YOUR life, you are the only one FIT to comment on yourself."
♥ ZOE R: Hi there again YT! (: I'm taking the comments positively! It taught me to TALK LESS, BLOG LESS! HAHAHA! And, they are not my friends, my friends know im a saver. To them, im a bargain hunter in fact! (:
i still dont get it.. Lesley is teaching u some of the things u need to take over from the new marketing exec.. how can u be taking over from a new person? so, are you or are you not still working at Estee?
Anonymous said...
i still dont get it.. Lesley is teaching u some of the things u need to take over from the new marketing exec.. how can u be taking over from a new person? so, are you or are you not still working at Estee?
♥ ZOE R: You're being very annoying. As much as i don't want to say it. But why does it seem that i need to explain myself step by step? Why cant i take over from the new marketing exec? Why cant i take over some workload from the new marketing person? Which also means, SHE DOES SOME AND I WILL DO SOME AND LESLEY USED TO DO ALL.
Please think deeper before asking me questions? Would really appreciate it, Thanks! It makes me breathless trying to explain things (:
♥ ZOE R: Good one ET! But i don't have an upmarket life! I dine out only on saturdays and one/two weekdays! And i dont always dine at restaurants but I cant really take photos at hawker centres even if i really want to right? (:
ET: Haha, thanks! It's great that you get to dine with your family almost everyday. My family only dines together on reunion dinners, sometimes with my bro missing. Anw, I don't mind taking photos at hawker centres! haha! Coz nowadays, I camwhore everywhere I go! Thinking back, we used to camwhore in the school toilets! :D:D:D
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