Took Elmo out to Play!!! (:

I spent the day at home, so decided to pack my accessories drawer! After my loots from F21 came, it looked like there was a war there! After half an hour of packing, i can share it here! (:
And yes, i have a drawer just for my accessories! How can a girl have enough of them?
Starting of with my favorite accessory to go with my outfits! And i have tons of them!!!!

My favorite sets of bracelets are in this layer! Really into pearls these days!!!!
And i can stuck them up so as in not to take up too much space in the drawer (:
And i can stuck them up so as in not to take up too much space in the drawer (:

I didnt have enough space already! So i had to put the chunky bangles in another box! omg. I have to curb my buyings!

Besides this basket, i got a few more!!

For loose accessories! Like those thicker necklaces and hair accessories!

I buy stuffies to put into my hair too!!!
I use them very seldom, but after i had my hair shorter, i bought a few more head bands!

The pearl hairband came with my F21 loots!!! So sweeettt!!! And my new 3 thick headbands are really awesome pieces!!!!! Can't wait to use them!

The pearl hairband came with my F21 loots!!! So sweeettt!!! And my new 3 thick headbands are really awesome pieces!!!!! Can't wait to use them!
So this huge basket is for my head bands!! (:

And we have necklaces here!
Not many, cause i don't have a habit to put on necklaces! I like to bear the neck!
Not many, cause i don't have a habit to put on necklaces! I like to bear the neck!

Some of my chunky necklaces and hair accessories in the lil' baskets!
Next up are the earrings!
I put them into individually so they wont get tangle up and it wont be a hassle for me to find the right pair to wear! (: Danglings and studs are placed in separate boxes (:

After which, here comes the rings!
I love blings (as you can see already)! So the rings are all of glitter and shine!
I love blings (as you can see already)! So the rings are all of glitter and shine!

Never a fan of putting on a watch, my parents always complain and nag that i have no sense of time. Which i always argue back, that i have a phone! HAHA!
Never a fan of putting on a watch, my parents always complain and nag that i have no sense of time. Which i always argue back, that i have a phone! HAHA!
But, watches as accessories are definite woo lala!! Bling ones especially!!

And so, presenting My whole collection!!! (:

Hi babe,
where did u get all those containers/ boxes from? Are they from the same shop?
hi babe, you have got a great collection there. such pretty stuff are rare and hard to find. you are one lucky babe. i love reading ur blog, envy ppl who could be friends with u. =)
i would want all those bangles and head bands !!! anw, where did you get those white drawers and lil baskets ?
omg!!! yours is like a whole drawer of accessories!! mine is like a small used ferero rocher box lor.
Hi Babe,
How do you normally get ur F21 stuff fr? Spree?
dats not tons!!! dats millions overflow of accessories lol >.<
nice collection:D
hi, where did u get the diamond rings from? the one with just one diamond, 2nd ring from 1st row. and the last ring, last row with one big diamond
Anonymous said...
Hi babe, where did u get all those containers/ boxes from? Are they from the same shop?
♥ ZOE R: I got them from Daiso! They have good loots always! (:
Anonymous said...
hi babe, you have got a great collection there. such pretty stuff are rare and hard to find. you are one lucky babe. i love reading ur blog, envy ppl who could be friends with u. =)
♥ ZOE R: Aww! Thats really flattering! But my girlfriends treat me like just like they first know me! There's not much difference actually between a blogger friend and a usual girlf! The stuffies are easy to get!!!! Just open eyes wide when you shop! HEHE!
Anonymous said...
i would want all those bangles and head bands !!! anw, where did you get those white drawers and lil baskets ?
♥ ZOE R: HAHA!!!! My prized possession eh? (: The white drawer is connected to my bed! the lil baskets are from Daiso!
ALI JOE said...
omg!!! yours is like a whole drawer of accessories!! mine is like a small used ferero rocher box lor.
♥ ZOE R: HEHE! I used to use those too! But boring lah! I wanted them to look princessy! HAAAHAHAHA!!! (Even though im the only one who sees them eh!)
Anonymous said...
Hi Babe, How do you normally get ur F21 stuff fr? Spree?
♥ ZOE R: I order them directly! (:
Oliver said...
dats not tons!!! dats millions overflow of accessories lol >.< nice collection:D
♥ ZOE R: Yea man Oliver, thank god my mom cant see them cause i keep them well in the drawer! But my mom sees the overflowing shoe racks! ):
phyllis said...
hi, where did u get the diamond rings from? the one with just one diamond, 2nd ring from 1st row. and the last ring, last row with one big diamond.
♥ ZOE R: Phyllis dear, you scared me with your comment! HAHA! So precise i need to see from picture to comment. Comment to picture, a few times! I got the bigger one from Chomel sometime back whilst the other one i cant remember! Sorry!
♥ ZOE R: Is this way of replying better for you girls to see the replys?!!! Mean girls lah you all, dont wanna leave a name!
♥ ZOE R: Aww! Thats really flattering! But my girlfriends treat me like just like they first know me! There's not much difference actually between a blogger friend and a usual girlf! The stuffies are easy to get!!!! Just open eyes wide when you shop! HEHE!
i meant that cos u seem like a fun gfren to hang out with and your life seems so interesting =)
gello let me know if you ever want to sell that chnale black chunky braclt, leave a comment at my blog if can okok! loves :)
hey babe! where did u get some of your pearl bracelets? they are gorgeous!
Hi, can i know where you got your pearl hairbands??
May I know where u bought the elmo? Many many thanks =)
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