Was surfing randomly and found this site that serves the lil ones! This is not an advertorial post! Just thought that babies deserve some new pretty clothes this Christmas too! (:
Its all female and male blogshops, now its time for a blogshop for the lil beings!

And this is my ultimate favorite! It reminds me of Victoria's Secret PINK label!

Best gift for that lil one this Christmas! (:
. . .

12.00PM: Cam whoring after makeup in my pretty room!

Using a new brand of falsies! Looks really natural!!! But expensive compared to 10 a box falsies!!!

Cut off my face!

I am always taking pictures in the car! Playing with my sunglasses!

In the carpark waiting for lot. Thats why the picture is so dark.

02.30 PM: Reached destination! Was real hungry! Haven had lunch! (I dont take breakfast.) But have to go collect my prize before lunch!!!

Had decided to drop by Suntec on Tuesday to pick up my prize!!!
Its the Freshkon contest i won on Facebook (:

This was the results banner on Freshkon (:
Thanks for the votes!
Thanks for the votes!

Waiting for the sales person to bring out the gift for me! (:

03.00 PM: After collection, went to KFC for a light lunch. LUNCH TIMEEEE!!!!

Not ready for the camera!
I had 1 crispy thigh! I only order thighs at KFC! Thighs have more meat, and the meat is tender!
I hate breasts meat though its healthier! (How much healthier can it be when its KFC we are talking about!!)

I prefer coleslaw! When i was younger, i love mashed potatoes!

Woohooo! My Freshkon goodie bag! (:
(I didnt know there was Freshkon paperbag for contact lens! )
(I didnt know there was Freshkon paperbag for contact lens! )

08.30 PM: Time to go home!
Was really tired ):
Was really tired ):

Had craving for ice-cream! First NTUC didnt sell these icecreams. Second 7-11 didnt have the one i wanted. So settled for Orange popsicle!
Wanted the Lime with Vanilla ice cream ):
Wanted the Lime with Vanilla ice cream ):

Still yummy! (:
hi may i know what lipgloss brand and colour you're using in this post? really natural and glossy! (:
-reader of yours (:
Have to agree with anonymous above. love the lips:p >.<
grats on the contest:) \o/
hi babe, whr did u get ur dress in this post? =)
hi sweet, may I know where you bought your fake lashes? It really look so natural! (:
hi dear! im interested in where you got your fake eyelashes(type too) and lipgloss brand and colour!! probably you should have a basic make up tutorial for both fake eyelashes and lips!!
Hi can i check with you the camera(ST550) which is the one you're using now issit good ?Intend to get one due to the Front LCD which others camera ''may'' not 've it, but heard quite alot of feedback about the poor battery life-just for 100 shots if make extensive use of the touchscreen etc ?
Hi babe, would like to know when u go out w/o make up do u apply anything before going out? u look pretty with or w/o make up. Thanks.
HAHA! I answered on latest post on my lips!!!! (: (:
Dress was from room18 (: Im selling off mine! Any interested babe can email me at bbabyprincess@hotmail.com (:
Hi Y, lashes are from my boy's company (: You can get them from SASA or Watsons, under KAWAII CORNER, brand is spring heart.
Hello! Lashes and Lip color answered!(: HEHE! I dont have time to do such tutorials! ): But i do really simple ones, only makeup base, blusher, eyeliner, lashes and eyeshadows at times! Done eyeshadows under the Beauty Tutorial tab on left bar! (:
Hello! Thats definitely not true on ST 550! (: Mine is still full batt sometimes after a whole day out! Definitely still full batt after taking even 150 pictures! (:
Hey Joan! I apply a layer of makeup base (: Makeup base acts as a protective layer against sun as well! (:
and thank you for the compliment! I have bad days too though! (:
heys sweet! Thanks for your information. Btw, how much is it retailing?
hi :)
may i know where you got your bag in this post? It's pretty nice!
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