Using my Ettusais eyeshadows (:

Where am i off to?
Somerset 313's Greenhouse Cafe!
What for?
Ettusais Ambassadors get together!!!! Yay!!!
Its our first dinner together!
It would be prefect if Grace and Esther could join us! But we have got more of such chances im sure! (:
Somerset 313's Greenhouse Cafe!
What for?
Ettusais Ambassadors get together!!!! Yay!!!
Its our first dinner together!
It would be prefect if Grace and Esther could join us! But we have got more of such chances im sure! (:

They dint have bigger table to occupy all of us so we were split into 2 tables instead!
At my table, we have Sher, Fidelis, Holly Jean and Regine! (:
We were really camera addicts!
At my table, we have Sher, Fidelis, Holly Jean and Regine! (:
We were really camera addicts!

Sher looking all cutesy with her hairband and lil ettusais ducky!
P/s: She's the one who passes us our products and go thru our entries to make sure you readers get the correct and best info!!! She's the WOMAN!
P/s: She's the one who passes us our products and go thru our entries to make sure you readers get the correct and best info!!! She's the WOMAN!

Regine and i just had to take lil duckies as props for our pictures!

After ordering our food, we had a test!!!! Ettusais test! And i thought i was over tests and exams!!!
This definitely caught most of us by surprise!!!
This definitely caught most of us by surprise!!!

My test paper!

Remember me saying that my table was the ultimate camera addicts? WE take EVERYTHING WE SEE THAT IS CUTE!
And yes, the other table!
And yes, the other table!

Christine, Sarah, the cool looking lady in blue is the BOSS!!!! And i heard that she reads our blogs veryyyy often! OMG! And of course, we've got Iris, our previous ettusais mamasan at the table too!!!
Jeanine was on her way (:
They were playing with my samsung front LCD! My baby got everyone fascinated! Woohoo!!!
Jeanine was on her way (:

Back to the test!!!!
The other table of competitors all geared for the test!!!!
The winner gets an ettusais prize okay!!!
The other table of competitors all geared for the test!!!!
The winner gets an ettusais prize okay!!!

Sher- the teacher!
Christine had the best answers! And won herself an ettusais tote!!! The tote is soooooooo pwetttyyyy!!!!! You go girl!!!
P/s: Regine and i were gossiping that we liked how you did your eyes that evening!!! HEHE!
Christine had the best answers! And won herself an ettusais tote!!! The tote is soooooooo pwetttyyyy!!!!! You go girl!!!
P/s: Regine and i were gossiping that we liked how you did your eyes that evening!!! HEHE!

I really liike my new dress! (:
It can be worn in 2 different ways actually!!!
It can be worn in 2 different ways actually!!!

Dinner cameee! Regine and i shared a steak and beef lasagna!

The night didnt end after dinner! We had interested activities are planned out for us!

Sher explaining a game to us!
Will be sharing it realllll soon!!!! Cause this game can win you, win me, win us FREE LAPTOPS! Woohooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Will be sharing it realllll soon!!!! Cause this game can win you, win me, win us FREE LAPTOPS! Woohooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

She gave us fans from the game and we started our thing, again!

After the games, we had prize giving!

And i got Miss Pro Ettusais !!! (Which actually means Pro active Ettusais Ambassador!!)
And my lil ducky has a Sash too! So cuteeee!
And my lil ducky has a Sash too! So cuteeee!

Regine and her smiley award!!! She is always so excited to share her ettusais products with her readers! Makes all her readers think they just have to buy what she reviews!!!!

Sarah got Ettusais Fan! As expected!!! And Christine got an award for good writing!
Her command of English is really good! (:
Her command of English is really good! (:

A group photo with our prizes!!! (:

And Iris with Zoe and her award on Ettusais night!! HAHA!

Jeanine and Christine (:
And the night ended with a Christmas Present from Ettusais! AWWW!!!! (:
And the night ended with a Christmas Present from Ettusais! AWWW!!!! (:

P/s: These are the eyecolors i used for Ettusais Night (:
Credits: http://thedesignclosets.com
Email zoeraymond@live.com for advertising rates (:
u look great as usual;)
erm..can i ask wads ur diameter for ur lenses??14 or 14.8??wad lens do u use??;DD
any recommendation where to buy;DD
hey girl, wat did u apply in your lower eye lid?
hw's the food at the cafe? thot of havin a birthday celebration there for my friend.. =)
thanks Oliver! (:
Hey waterbottle! I dont know about it, it was sponsored long time back!! (: Used to able to get them online.
Hello! I use brown eyeshadow (: Depends on my mood! HAHA! Sometimes i use brown pencil eyeliner!
The service is bad ): The food taste alright only.
Hey Zoe! :)
May I ask where you got your pair of fake eyelashes from? (As seen in this post) Any recommendations for Brands/Types of fake eyelashes, too?
Anyway, the one here looks really lovely! Even better when paired with the eyeshadow makeup you did... Love it!
Hope to hear from you. Thanks! :D
The lashes have no brand (: I buy random lashes that comes in box of 10. So dont have a particular brand to recommend! So sorry!
And thanks for your kind words!!! (:
Okay. Thanks for your reply! :)
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