Yes it’s Sunday, and the dreaded Monday blues will be here in no time. But fear not! To chase them all away, I’ve decided to come up with this new segment- Zoe’s Sunday Scoops, where I’ll share with everyone an interesting little tidbit for you that I found over the weekend. It could be a unique food place, an uncommon sighting, or even a sensational news headline; basically anything under the sun! Zoe’s Sunday Scoops will be posted at 8pm every Sunday night, so be sure to check it out!
So for the opening post, let me share this little something...

Are you scared the next time u eat the chips from the same bag the second time, the crunch will not be there and tastes like styrofoam? Or even compelled to finish the entire bag at one go?
I love snacking. But don't have enough containers to store my left overs from the huge packets. I remember using these when i was residing at Bt Timah. So i made a trip to Muji, Marina Square to get my hands on these clippies!
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