Some babes emailed or PMed me asking where i got my Victoria Secrets stuff, Accessories, Gojane shoes, Wetseal clothes!
Here's a place i would recommend you to!
And i not forgetting my bill of over $400 at forever 's sale end last year! F21 have really fabulous sales all year round and great bargains!
(I'm a sucker for blings! See what i just bought yesterday!)
Current US spree includes Forever 21 and Wetseal
Also there are also 6 ongoing Taiwan sprees now.
Please join the mailing list to enjoy regular special promotions (:
Mention that you are a reader of Zoe and get $2 off can be deducted for spree item OR deducted for postage!
All spree ending on 7th August
Here's the site! (:

Everyone's mad about shopping, no?
This lady knows it, and created a blogshop with a catchy name;
How can someone ever forget this domain? (:

And as i was scrolling down their page, i saw that they offer this design in 2 other colors!

I'm sure you can find one of the other 2 that suits you good! (:
These are nice too!

If you are too,

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