And after the Brazilian Waxing session last week,
i went to look for Von to have a change in hair color!
He has moved to another salon at Holland V. Look at the concept of the salon. Its really funky and cool!
Love the bright seats! (:
I dig the satin part of the dress!

Was starving, and Von got me some Laksa from downstairs. Really tasty!
I love cockles. Super unhealthy, yes i know!

Done? Not yet! (:
Hair treatment! Something i need very badly! Photo Shoots and events always backcomb/tong my hair will be in a terrible condition! ):
Treatment can only be done below ear level. Reason is, it will be too rich for roots. And hair will drop excessively if its applied there.
Treatment rinsed off with Cold Water, made me shiver. But cold water is good for hair because hot water opens pores which means your hair will also drop easily!
So, try washing your hair with cold water at home! (:
Von is a really fun stylist. And he is not the kind that will make you spend bucks at a salon.
If you are planning to rebond and color. He will never do it for you on the same day. Cause too much chemicals will spoil the condition of your hair! He will arrange another appointment for you to come back and do the other hair treatment!
Nice huh!
He cut my fringe slightly shorter, so now i can choose between bangs or side! (:

Entitled to 10% off any hair services if you mention that you're a friend of mine! Von @ 92995052, by Appointment ONLY. Location: 34A Lor Manbong, Holland V (M.A.D Salon)
i went to look for Von to have a change in hair color!
Love the bright seats! (:

I love cockles. Super unhealthy, yes i know!

Hair treatment! Something i need very badly! Photo Shoots and events always backcomb/tong my hair will be in a terrible condition! ):

Treatment rinsed off with Cold Water, made me shiver. But cold water is good for hair because hot water opens pores which means your hair will also drop easily!
So, try washing your hair with cold water at home! (:
If you are planning to rebond and color. He will never do it for you on the same day. Cause too much chemicals will spoil the condition of your hair! He will arrange another appointment for you to come back and do the other hair treatment!
Nice huh!
He cut my fringe slightly shorter, so now i can choose between bangs or side! (:

Entitled to 10% off any hair services if you mention that you're a friend of mine! Von @ 92995052, by Appointment ONLY. Location: 34A Lor Manbong, Holland V (M.A.D Salon)
Hi, I will like to ask what colour/tone is your hair? Its nice! I like the colour...... Dark shade but still can see the colour.
Hey dear! u gotta ask von! cause im not sure! he mixed the color for me!!! (:
hey zoe! the 10% off for services apply for readers and not just friends of yours is it? :)
hey zoe :D what are von's charges like? im keen on soft rebonding! my hair length is about abit longer than shoulder. Thanks! :D
can i ask how much does he charge if i were to only trim my hair? approximately? thanks (:
Oh man! Sorry i dint see these comments!!
1. von charges 10% off for all readers!
2. von charges about $250 for soft rebonding! (really good stuffies he use
3. von charges about $45 for a haircut (:
You ladies can text him at 92995052 to confirm and make an appt!!! (:
hi zoe!! you look really pretty in all your photos! :) may i know if you experienced hair loss after rebonding? im keen on soft rebonding but im afraid of hair loss cos my hair is alr very thin! Thanks! :)
Hey yo! thanks!!! (: I haven rebonded my hair but i have many friends and family that do! Its normal to drop hair! Such hair services bond to be abit harmful to the scalp! But do treatments and dont do hair services too regularly, and u will be fineee! :)
hey girl! do u know where exactly is the salon located? like which part of holland v? near anywhere? thanks (:
It is very easy to find babe, given the address. Haha! Its near Sushi Teh if im not wrong (:
Do make an appt first!!!! Cause he might not be availableee! What service will you be doing at Von's? (:
thanks! yup i will when i intend to go down.. probably treatment! (: are you going to cut your hair there any time soon??
Going down with sheila on coming wed (:
thanks babe! But i'm afraid of excessive hair loss after rebonding! :(
If you do enough treatment and visit a reliable hair stylist, you will be fine (:
You're paying for quality at Von's (:
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