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Zoe Raymond|Fitness & Yoga|Beauty & Fashion

Happy New Year! (:

Happy New Year to all (:

My Daddy! (:

Zonia with Daddy.

I like my eyeshadow! I'm gonna share about it soon! (:

FOOD!!! (:

Yes yes, Zoe caught stealing before uncles and families reached! HEHE!
Irresistible lah!

She's my lil' cozie, Reiko (:
Alot reckons she looks Jap! Smalllll eyes!

Papa and Uncle helping clean up the dishes and wipe the stoves!

What was the younger ones doing??

Taking photos! HAHA!!!!

Thanks Holly Hoque for the New Year Dress! It's a dress off their next launch! Gorgeous huh! (:

Photobucket Holly Hoque

VERY Frequent updates of prom dresses, evening gowns to bags and bikinis! A place that takes care of a girl's wants and needs.

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