Zoe have started school! These 3 days of school hasn't been well.
Class was boring- i cant get what the Aust lecturer was trying to say.
Maybe i just haven got used to his accent. And maybe I was sitting too far from the stage (where lecturer is standing). Which explains why i cant hardly hear him.
I want to grad by the end of this year! So this is my new year resolution for 2009.
I will do/am doing my part by turning down new assignments. Only committing to events i've committed myself to, before school commenced.
Group mates, please pull me through! (:
Has my blog been dry recently? I promise something good.
It's already baking in the oven (:

Woots! Vogue indulge is having their pre CNY sale!
Everything going at $17! It's a must visit okay? (:
Here are some ive picked.

Look inside for fun and elegance through versatile apparels.
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