Got this dress from April thirteen!!! Looks super gorgeous with a thick waist belt!
Must have in a girl's wardrobe lah! (:
Here are some of their new updates from Collection 30!
Most are already sold out or left with 1 piece! G.R.A.B!

A place where you can find Maxi dresses, Kimonos, versatile dresses and jumpers.
Friday after class, the girls followed me home to change, had lunch downstairs my place and we headed to Bugis to meet Eve (:
While waiting for bus...
Whip out the camera! WAHAHA!

Met up with Eve at Bugis Street. She's a meanie!
She asked to go shopping. But came late and left early! ARGHS!
I was the one who bought something! Wa lao!

When we came in, she shouted to her mommy: "Mommy, got customerrsssss!"
And she keeps repeating until she got her mommy's attention!

Was a fun day with the girls. Bought ALOT!
Next i will blog about Gatsby Dance competition at Zouk on Saturday! (:
GIRLS!! Visit Holly Hoque. They have updated again! My friends will willingly go broke cause of them! (:

Girls visit:
a href="" target="_blank">

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